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Nostradamus C7 Q14: He who comes to expose the false topography.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022


Nostradamus cornerstone verse C7 Q14 on using phonetic mechanisms to encode lineageThe text of the second of the two verses (C7 Q14) containing anagrams for channels has the deep sense of mystery that distinguishes C1 Q21. In this instance the metaphor underpinning the text can be perceived as the tale of the decoder of Nostradamus' enigmatic works. And its wording suggests that this decoder brings to light the lack of story line in the visible words and in so doing shows the way an ancient story will be enlivened.


The process challenges 21st century readers by upsetting previous methods and assumptions (about Nostradamus being limited by his 16th century knowledge base) and providing evidence showing Nostradamus' modernity.


In this verse The most poignant of the anagrams go straight to the essence of Nostradamus' work and in so doing echo the implications of the text. These anagrams can be grouped in ways that say propagator' channels phoneticalise graph proves poetries quatreins cluster expose ancestries secret demonesses. Note the compelling nature of anagrams such as poetries, quatreins / verses and cluster all of which are critical elements of these trails I am currently outlining.


Anagrams in this verse include several names in the line where an anagram for phoneticalise occurs. Now one of the best means of embedding names in text where lettering is the prime mechanism is to use a phonetic profile instead of relying on immaculate spelling. So the profile 'Nstrdmus' would be sufficient to carry Nostradamus name. Many variants are possible so an optimal choice can be made that suits the need for a credible text yet isn't so devoid of structure that it is easily noticed. Interestingly using this scheme the last line's anagrams can then be re-ordered to give an adjacent sequence that says:


                                                   ALNUBR   chosen    poetries        our     quaint  Poets-verse     
                                                    ur_blan    ches_no   ires_et_Po    our    antiq    es_vertes Po
 black for white and the  new for the old


As with C1 Q51 the anagrams also enlighten the wording in the text; the false topography exposed alludes to the disclosure of the prophecies messages hidden in the lettering but it also links this message to an ongoing story line about women's ancient role in notable religious events. It swaps the meaning of fixed events (such as the death of Christ) by turning what was once heresy into orthodoxy.

He will come to expose the false topography,
the urns of the tombs will be opened.
Sect and holy philosophy to thrive,
black for white and the new for the old.

Faux expoSer viendra topographie,
Seront les cruches des monumens ouuertes.
Palluler Secte Saincte philoSophie,
Pour blanches noires et pour antiques vertes.

Anagrams hidden in the French Text

  1. <propagator driven uxe expoSe><invader topograph exposurex>
  2. <norSe celts crushed uuomens true omens><Seers uurote ones he summonsed> <she Sees uuomens true demons>
  3. <philo ioSeph Pall rule Sect><loopS /Spool/ Pools pantheic secrets><Sect rule phoneticaliSe all ><ancestries>
  4. <Poets verse><quatreins><quite runa poetries alnubr chosen><channels our poetries><Poets chosen alnubr reputation rise>

There are only singular occurrences of  both poetries and channels and there are no anagrams other than those in this verse for poets-verse or poetries-channels even as composite anagrams. There are no occurrences where poets and verse appear as whole but separate anagrams in the same line and only four other places where the jumbled lettering of these two words is found in two parts. There are no split anagrams at all for 'poetries-channels'. So the fact that these two word pairs appear as adjacent anagrams in different parts of the same line cannot easily be dismissed as the product of chance.

The anagrams tell us that the person who unveils the prophecies will gain his reputation by his publication of the cruellest verses with themes reminiscent of the pantheism in the works of both Philo and Joseph. There are many cruel verses that can validate these words as shown in my papers titled Mutations, Floods, Fire in the Sky and Nostradamus on War.

  1. phoneticalise, propagator, summonsed, exposurex, pantheic, channels, popeish, crushed, alnubr, proves, graph,
  2. Ioseph, reputation(s), churnable, consulter, subpolar, summoned, uuomens, Polish, Sophie, hoops,
  3. overstrained, cruellest, reselects, poetries, cluster, ouuners / uuorsen,
  4. quatreins, loops /spool/pools, eversion, inshore, uteruses, tevets, Ophis,
  5. expose, ancestries, secrets, demoness, predation, resistance,
  6. posturer, reselect, Philo
  7. cruelest / lectures, labour, chosen / Enochs, shone / hones,
  8. -
  9. inquest
  10. antiques, quatrein,
  11. heeds,
  12. poets,
  13. restores, Chesed,
  14. ordinate, respite, revise,
  15. -
  16. -
  17. demons, atop, menu,
  18. shed, pox,
  19. Celts, poet,
  20. uuoes / ouues, harp,
  21. derivant, souu, hip (2x),
  22. Argo,
  23. electrons.

poets verse, poetries channels, reputation, phoneticalise, propagator, overstrained, reputations, summonsed, pantheic, subpolar, consulter, cruellest, quatrein, predation, Philo, pantheism, proves, Polish, womens, demons, secret cult, worsen, Joseph, inshore, antiques, lectures.


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