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Astronomy- Nostradamus' actual code revealed.

© Allan Webber 2007, sub edited September 2012

An analysis of keywords related to Nostradamus and his Prophecies.

See the following paper for the Rationale & Rules underlying my work on Nostradamus

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There is a mystery to Nostradamus' Prophecies. To those with faith in prophets its main essence is 'What did he reveal?' but even to a cynic some mystery must be attributed to Michel de Nostredame for his work he claimed is in code.

I have composed books of prophecies each containing a hundred quatrains of astronomic prophecies, which I have intentionally arranged a little obscurely. Nostradamus in his 1555 Preface to Cesar (PCE6)

Many analysts seem to imply the code is a protective device to prevent the authorities from judging him a heretic but the nature of the work belies this; he did not need to fear the inquisition beyond the time of his death and certainly not 500 years into the future.

It is also a popular claim that there is a degree of 'derangement' or 'incoherence' in the writing.

It is further suggested that the inclusion of inconsistent names and language are an accidental product of his mind and the publishing house.

I am interested in the solution to the code. I am interested in it regardless of its outcome, whether it be mundane or esoteric. My interest also lies in the nature of the code since its nature is a window to the past.

The answer to this code has to come from Nostradamus himself and there is evidence that he did make such a provision for he constantly left clues in his writings. These pointers concern astronomy and the rules of poetry and imply a tradition of  poetic coding to transmit knowledge of time and the stars. A tradition so ancient that it precedes writing and has its roots in oral techniques; mnemonic devices built within and by poetic form. 

The story revealed in his prefaces to the prophecies is shown in the right hand column of the following presentation while that in the left presents the trail that led me to the verses in Nostradamus' Prophecies that are detailed in the remainder of this site.

There is a detailed story in Nostradamus' verses hidden under their visible text.

My paper starts with one small piece of the simple evidence that I have built up over the past fifteen years and then shows how for the first time, I was able to progress along a clearly defined, unambiguous trail.

It takes one line with an unusual pair of anagrams hidden in it, examines why I chose this line and then shows each step along the way. It achieves a highly significant result because it gives a pinpointed date which didn't exist before this analysis. In doing this it establishes far more than one hard bit of evidence, it establishes that the veil that obscures Nostradamus' writing can be shattered.

I show my methods and I set out when and how my views changed. I have done this in order that the reader be able to see with far more ease, that which has taken me thirty-seven years to achieve. 

The history behind my interest is the logical starting point since it reveals the attitudes that spurred my work. 

In 1970 after having read Erika Cheetham's book "The Prophecies of Nostradamus" I made a choice that went against all that I had previously held true. The choice was to investigate the unlikely case that Nostradamus could actually see into the future. 

There has been no other person with claims to be a prophet that has ever aroused my interest in the same way. I am not given to belief in the supernatural whether it be religion, science or secular based. However, in 1970, faced with his actual writings I felt there was a case to answer since it seemed that on too many occasions his words were uncannily close to real events. At that time I could easily retain my cynicism for I was looking for the means to explain how these writings could seem to be true.

Over the years that followed I noted that, despite the claims of other cynics, various events came about very much as anticipated from interpreters of Nostradamus' work. One of the most spectacular of which was that of the collapse of the Soviet Union. A year before it happened I remember observing that this looked like a spectacular failure for there was nothing in the press of the day that foresaw the ending of the Soviet system before the year 2000. My reason for the comment was that there were strong claims by interpreters of Nostradamus' work that various verses meant he foresaw the rise of Communist Russia and its fall then taking place before the end of the last century.

In 1992 I was given a present by a well-meaning relative. It was not a good read for me since it was full of almost laughable techniques, many of them based on very loose reworking of Nostradamus' words through the use of anagrams and the undisciplined interchange of lettering.

It's techniques were not unlike that used in "The Bible Code" (which I was also given and which I found equally as flawed). There is a lot of pseudo-science and overzealous presentation within these works and the predictions that they made reveals how hard it is to actually gain creditability as a prophet by using vague and loose wording. There is nothing memorable that came out of my reading of their predictions.

But, I don't dismiss things lightly so I worked on the problem of what was wrong with these approaches.

In particular I asked myself what evidence of code would I look for and where would an encoder put it.

The conclusion I reached was that Nostradamus would have put key words such as his name and references to his work and code in cornerstone verses. These were likely to be verse 1 in the the first of his chapters (Centuries), other early verses, verse 100 at the end of the sixth chapter and those verses which were dismissed as most obscure. I expected to find there was nothing in those verses. I was wrong (see my analysis of Centuries 1 Quatrain1).

This was an over-excited time because, having found these critical words and having seen some of the import of others, I thought I had found the key to his code and it would be days before Nostradamus message would be unveiled. I was certain it would turn out not to be prophetic but a historical record of his efforts. At that time I was employing French anagrams and soon the trail disappeared. It was evident to me that I had not cracked his code. Nostradamus methods and defences were far greater than a simple two days effort could break. However, I now believed that Nostradamus' text didn't merely contain an occasional anagram, it was anagrammatic throughout and that there was a massive cryptic puzzle to be solved. I loved that idea.

There was, however, one major surprise in these discoveries for I found that I had gained a clearer result when I looked for English anagrams.

This seemed ridiculous until I worked through the logic that I was finding the code and that if this was true and Nostradamus could see the future then he should have seen my decoding efforts. I didn't believe it but I realized that I couldn't analyse Nostradamus' work with a premise that he couldn't see the future, I had to assume he could and that I was the decoder and work through what this would logically mean.

Nostradamus stated in a letter to his son Cesar on 1 March 1555

" I should like to tell you this. Eschewing any fantastic imaginings you may through good judgment have insight into the future if you keep to the specific names and places that accord with planetary configurations, and with inspiration places and aspects yield up hidden properties, namely that power in whose presence the three times are understood as Eternity whose unfolding contains them all."

..and three years later in a letter to Henry, second king of France he states

"the Astronomic calculations are given to the best of my knowledge: because the space of times are those the first ones use, that is those  who have preceded us, and are such that my words can be put back under the correction of their very wise judgment."

..and near the end of the Epistle

"And for this [reason], Sire, by this discourse I present these predictions with confusion as to when they will be and the event involved for the enumeration of time that follows has no more than a little consistency in it..  Much that is superior is seen to be astronomical and is the same as in other sacred writings,  using both means I can not fail at all. If I had wanted I could have put the enumeration of time in each quatrain. I might do this but not all would appreciate it, not least those interpreting them. "


" Thus I have dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic prognostications, composed thanks to a natural instinct, with the aid of poetic transports, according to the rules of poetry and for the most part in accordance with the calculations of Astronomy corresponding to the years, months and weeks. of the regions countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe including Africa and part of Asia where most of all these coming events are to transpire. They are composed in a natural manner.."

Another statement by Nostradamus on his prophecies in the Cesar letter of 1555 added to these ideas by suggesting he had condensed his work into an astronomical coded form.

" But after being surprised sometimes by day while in a trance, and having long fallen into the habit of agreeable nocturnal studies, I have composed books of prophecies, each containing one hundred astronomical quatrains, which I wanted to condense somewhat obscurely. The work contains prophecies from today to the year 3797."

These are just a few of the statements by this 16th Century prophet that state the nature of the code is understood through laws of poetry in relation to astronomy. The use of names and places that are in accord with these principles reveal his writings about the future.

"I have composed books of prophecies of which each contains one hundred prophetic quatrains. I have sought to polish them a little bit obscurely."   Nostradamus in his preface to his Prophecies 1555.

The above supplies the reasons why I have pursued this code for such a long time and below I discuss some of my insights into this quest during the current century. It starts with the events on June the 1st 2007 which marked a truly significant day in my thirty-seven year quest to discover the real astronomy-code in Nostradamus' quatrains (four line verse) prophecies. In 1992 there was an equally significant day. It was then that I found the key to the puzzle but it took fifteen years before I felt ready to declare "I know how the code works."

Nostradamus wrote a book of ten chapters (Centuries). Although nine of them each have 100 verses (quatrains), Centuries VII has only forty two. Nostradamus gave no explanation as to why there are 942 quatrains separated out in this peculiar manner. Nostradamus' did write that they were encoded.

"And thousands of other events will come to pass, because of floods and continual rains, as I have set forth fully in writing my other Prophecies, which are drawn out in length, in prose, setting the places and times so that men coming after may see them, knowing the events to have occurred infallibly. This we have noted in connection with the others, speaking more clearly. For although they [the quatrains] are written under a cloud, the meanings will be understood. When the time comes for the removal of ignorance, the event will be cleared up still more." Nostradamus at the end of his preface to his Prophecies 1555.

 This position was purely theoretical and I have remained true to that and I have laid no claim to having successfully decoded Nostradamus in any of my previous works. 

In order to find the hidden code I have applied a method and then converted it into a series of computer programs to enable extensive investigation and testing throughout Nostradamus' text. The basis of the method is that I identify English anagrams in the French text. There are difficulties in this beyond the obvious one of the selected language that every interpreter of 16th century papers finds. Published works from this period are mostly very different from the original manuscripts due to the manual manner of their transcription.

However my computer analyses can help find the strong theme in a text even when it is distorted from the original. (Just as astronomers' programs can detect weak stars despite noise from the galaxy). There are other difficulties which are covered more fully in my paper called Centuries and I will not set them out here where it would break up the story I wish to unfold.

What is relevant is that I set out to find all weaknesses in my findings. Usually it is easy to realise how overconfident one has become through mistakenly viewing only a small set of events. It's only when you try to find further evidence that the trail goes cold. It's when you put faith in an outcome based on the past and find it doesn't happen that you know your premise is false. This hasn't happened in the fifteen years of my investigations of English anagrams.

One of my strengths is the ability to program computers and so over the years I have built increasingly stronger tests and constraints into my investigations in order to prove that this English anagram pattern is an illusion. Again my efforts at disproof failed and all of my earlier observations were reconfirmed (see Anagram Research 1 and Anagram Research 2 for some of my later efforts where I did extensive computer analysis on several ancient texts.)

It has taken fifteen years to bring me to this point and I consider none of that as wasted time. I couldn't have achieved the result that I will shortly set out without the background that these years have provided.

So this brings me to April the 31st 2007 where, despite an accumulation of evidence, I can truly say I didn't believe that I had succeeded in a full understanding of Nostradamus' code in any Quatrain. All my efforts had been exploratory and although there were strong indications of their meaning none had yielded something that couldn't be denied.

In the Epistle to the second part of 'The Prophecies' Nostradamus placed two sentences that summed up how I felt.

"Indeed someone who would do well to clear their head might reply that the rhythm is as easy as the sense is difficult. That is because most of the prophetic quatrains are so ticklish that there is no making way through them nor is there any interpreting of them."

I had begun my arguments in Anagrams-3 without including the verses on astronomy but on April 31st I included them into that web page. Anagrams-3 was started in order to present the verses containing whole anagrams of Nostradamus' name, words relevant to his writings (e.g. Centuries, Quatrains etc) and especially ones with words connected to code.

There are a large number of words uncovered by my analyses that are sufficiently unusual to attract my interest and often these are made more potent because alongside of them there's an equally powerful word that is totally in context with the first. It seemed reasonable that these should be my focal point. There was another factor that underlay my selection of lines to include in Anagrams-3.

I had reasoned that if Nostradamus' work was encoded then one way to find the key starting points was to work on those lines with the highest improbability of occurring by chance. I had set out criteria for weighing improbability and one crucial one beyond its internal improbability was to what extent the hidden words connected to the visible text, the more connections the less probable it would be that they occurred though chance alone.

None of this is enough to prove they were there by design but highly complex words connected to each other by meaning and location, connected to the themes in Nostradamus' visible text and directly connected to the sense of the line had to be the place where the best evidence could be found.

It was after I had worked on one line that I made a break-through that led me to another. It was at this point that I realised something special was happening but I put off the pursuit of this until later in the day.

When I did analyse the lines more fully I was led on a journey through several others. I went way down the chance probability scale to a point I had never been before. Below are those initial lines in the form with which I began. They look obscure and they have a "so what" status, There's a few words but what's the real meaning of the line, what does it tell us, what does it prophesy? It is the ability to answer these questions that this paper delivers.  

Location Original text with anagrams highlighted Key anagram(s) when re-arranged Interpretation of original text
C2 Q35 L4 Sol l'Arq et Caper tous seront amortis astronomers route Sun, Sagittarius and Capricorn all will be dying.
C3 Q48  L4 Mais non si tost qu'vne quinziesme mort  mansions size But not so early that all one fifteenth are dead.

The breakthrough came at this time rather than years before because there was a significant change in my methodology on that day that the previous fifteen years efforts had enabled.

I knew that despite clear anagrams that there were usually parts of lines that don't make coherent sense. There is often a strong core but the last few letters are usually difficult.

 Much of this I could probably attribute to publication flaws but for fifteen years I had kept discipline in place in order to have faith in the findings. I have always known that at the point when I attained the tightest possible regulation of my work I could relax the rules, using the solid base, with its greater certainty, to justify any minor changes to the original text.

I had reached that point in March 2007 where I knew the time had come to build on the base. My expectation was that it wouldn't change the feelings that the rhythm was easy but the understanding remained unclear. The evidence had built over the years but it was difficult to present clearly and impossible to show anything but an increasing probability of code.

My anagram research only uses one text for a good reason, I didn't want to introduce a license to change lettering. I wanted what I found to be really there. Not that the text I chose is any better than any other and none of them could claim to be exactly as Nostradamus' originally wrote before it came into the hands of the publisher.

This approach means the number of anagrams of a particular word may be slightly higher or lower than could be found in the actual writing of Michel de Nostredame but it is far sounder for this to occur than to bias the result through intervention.

However the analysis in Anagrams 3 was not to be a statistical exercise and minimal variation could be used. My criteria was that any change to Cheetham's selection should be not only minimal but logical and justifiable. For example the word mansions allowed me to see that "mort mais non " holds the anagram of astronomi or astronomy. Its connection with mansions and the often used practice of swapping i's and y's (in the 16th century) were my justification.

Now the point about these words is that they are indicative of code but not specific enough. Without detail they remain useless and nothing that I had found over fifteen years of research had told me what system was being used. I needed to know what date it applied from, how it created ciphers, whether it worked using a solar or lunar calendar etc. These are the things I had sought for years without finding an unambiguous answer.

Yet Nostradamus states in his Epistle to the second part of his work that the message is not ambiguous. 

". Such secrets should not be bared except by enigmatic sentences having however only one sense and meaning and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted. Rather are they under a cloudy obscurity, with a natural infusion.." Nostradamus 1558 Epistle to Henry (HEE6a)

My work had begun on Centuries 2, Quatrain 35, L.4 because it was quite clear that there was a connection between the words. I had confidence that the visible message increased the credibility of 'astronomical routes' being right. The line is after all about the sun and two adjacent zodiac constellations. 

My selection of the other line containing 'astronomi mansions' (C3 Q48 L.2) wasn't a natural choice as its underlying message wasn't as clearly astronomical. There was nothing to connect the two ideas other than a vague link, no stronger than in any of the other astronomy anagrams I have uncovered. A full location list of these is given below for those who want to research them for themselves:


3 x astronomers (C1 Q22 L.2, C2 Q35 L.4, C3 Q86 L.4)
0 x astronomer (two can be found as part of astronomers)
1 x astronomic (C3 Q38. L.4)
0 x astronomy 
2 x astronomies (C5 Q89 L.4 , C10 Q57 L.4)
1 x astronomi (C3 Q48 L.2 plus one that is part of astronomies)

It is at this point, prior to linking it to another verse, that I made my first big break from the past. I looked at the letters in C2 Q35 L.4 that weren't easily assigned as whole anagrams and asked what minimal change could I make in this line to give it consistent sense. From 'is Sol l'Arq et Cap', which are the unused letters, I formed 'Equatorials-places'. I have placed a 'u' and an 'e' into the structure and made it into a shared anagram. The letters are justifiable since the 'u' is a logical adjunct to 'q' and and the 'e' replaces the quotation mark that truncates 'le' to 'l'.


I then came up with this very consistent solution "Its astronomers routes (are) Equatorial places."

At this point I felt I should check the history of 'Equatorial' measurement for its usage by astronomers in the 16th century.

It immediately became apparent that there was no history of European usage in the 16th century, it was the 17th Century before European astronomers moved to this system. China, India and Persia had long used this method. The source that provided the impetus to Europeans was that  used by the Chinese.

My other work on anagrams suggests that it was the Persian source, if any, that Nostradamus used. However, the nature of the system was the same in each.

Unlike the ecliptic system that formed the base for 16th century astronomy the equatorial system uses the Celestial pole as its focal point and created a circle around the heavens by using the rim of the hemisphere centred on the pole. The ecliptic system however used the circle of the plane in which the planets move.

Along the rim of the hemisphere that the equatorial system uses there are marked out twenty-eight equally spaced places representing the daily transit of the moon. These they called mansions.

This differs from the ecliptic system which uses the twelve zodiac signs which are not equally spaced. Both systems then marked further sub divisions by selecting bright stars on or in the segment above and below the chosen line.

The equatorial system is firmly set in the 'lunar mansions' not the ecliptic zodiac. Here was the reason for my closely examining the line with 'astronomy mansions' in it since the mansions are equatorial places. I had been led to it by an instinctive path that came out of my years of research for I'd read about mansions and equatorial systems without making them strong points in my memory. It seemed that another section of Nostradamus' words in his Epistle was accurate.

"With divine and supernatural inspiration integrated with astronomical computations one can name times and places accurately, an occult property obtained through divine virtue, power and ability." 

And all the foregoing had been in accordance with Nostradamus' own words in his Epistle to Henry 1558

"The Astronomic calculations are given to the best of my knowledge because the space of times of our first ones, those who came before us,  are handed to me needing the correction of my own healthier judgement."

At this point of my analysis I saw some meaning in Nostradamus' words where he talks about inspiration being combined with astronomical computations to yield specific times and places. However my concept of mansions and equatorial places was still nebulous and had yielded little of sub stance beyond the validity of the connection. 

I viewed my progress as worthwhile but not different to a huge number of analyses I have done over the years. It was only after I made a few more step that I started to be aware that this analysis was different.

I was already aware that there was an internal link of note inside this line that I was examining. There is an easily identifiable anagram grouping that links to the "one-fifteenth" mentioned in the visible line "Mais non si tost qu'vne quinziesme mort". The anagrams read as "unique size" and all I've changed is the v shown in Cheetham's edition to the more conventional u.

When I make the same alteration as I did in the previous analysis and place an e where there is a quotation mark into the letters "ost'qu" that precede those highlighted in the line above then the anagram of 'quotes' emerges. There is one other anagram of distinction in the line for "ziesme mor" when rearranged becomes "memorizes". The hidden message becomes "It quotes unique size in mansions astronomy memorizes". 

Location Original text with anagrams highlighted Key anagram(s) when re-arranged Interpretation of original text
C3 Q48  L4   Mais non si tost qu'vne quinziesme mort  mansions size But not so early that all one fifteenth are dead.

It is at this stage of this analysis that the patterns and information I had garnered over the years came into play once again. 

I knew that past astronomers relied on memory, not written words to store vital information. In this process star names were important. I also knew that, unlike the zodiacal system which has different sizes for each sign, the mansions were a fixed size. This has its internal truth but is purely a historical fact that added little to what I already knew.

There are twenty-eight lunar mansions of about thirteen degrees each. One twenty-eighth is not the one-fifteenth mentioned in the visible line. I was already convinced the two lines I have analysed above were part of a single story as they both held a reference to death and the much stronger link to equatorial mansions. My inspiration was to look for the answer in the combined knowledge of the two lines.

The visible message in the first line discussed (C2 Q35 L.4 ) shows that the sun, Capricorn and Sagittarius are dying. This implies the time of year when, at sunset, both Capricorn and Sagittarius are setting into what the ancients considered was the shadowy world of death beneath the earth. But can two signs set at the same time?

 Yes, because these two overlap. The space this occupies is about one-fifteenth of their combined spread along the ecliptic and I quickly saw that I had an explanation that made sense of the wording. 

I now used a copy of an astronomy program on CD (Redshift 2, Maris) to look at the sky in the year 1555CE. By progressing through the dates I was able to readily see the point of the year when the occurrence took place. The image generated by the CD is shown below (the sun is just below the horizon, one third across from the left).

Nostradamus Prophetic star

Sunset Jan 5th 1555 picture captured from  Redshift-2 (Maris)


The date satisfying all the conditions applies to early January and is a very narrow window. on January 5th the edge of the column common to both Sagittarius and Capricorn is about to die. Now the dating in the 16th century was still based on the Julian calendar and their date was 10 days before that shown for our Gregorian date, This brings the marker back to Christmas day in 1554.

I have used one of the programs features to show the name of a star just above the horizon. It is the last prominent star in the constellation of Capricorn that lies in the overlap zone with Sagittarius (to the right of Capricornus' label). This star 'Secunda Gledi' is sinking below the horizon at the same time as the edge of the column.

At this point of the analysis everything seemed very ordinary. Although it might seem unlikely to some people that I could have used  two verses to find a worthy answer to their internal riddle, it really doesn't change probability of it happening by chance. I used the information that I already knew to build a sturdy case but I had been in control of the selections. I deliberately chose a line with two correlated words next to each other so there's no additional merit in that analysis.

Nor is there obvious merit in the connections I have made, since man is an inventive animal and can create images in his mind from the scantiest of data. At best my analysis up to this stage is imaginative, with the same credibility as seeing shapes in clouds or reading a person's future from the scattering of tea leaves in a cup.

I continued with the pursuit I'd started and looked to see whether I could find a connection to Gledi in the Prophecies. My reason for doing so was an outcome of this analysis. Place names had been highlighted and memory had also shown up as important. I hadn't yet used that data and the name of Gledi offered a possibility for a new link.

I ran my analysis program and, as usual, in a few seconds I had all the whole anagrams of 'Gledi' in the 3769 lines of  verse. There are only 8 references which is unusually low for a five letter word made uof the most frequently used letters (there are 46 occurrences of 'guard' for example.) Below I show the notes I made after running the program.

  • (Gledi in eight lines of verse, Algedi in 2 of these plus 6 more)

    1. C1 Q12 L.1 contains "After Aub R Gledi / Algedi clue afraid"
    2. C3 Q17 L.4 
    3. C5 Q18 L.1 contains 'Gledi rules comes'
    4. C5 Q25 L.2 abecedarians, serpens 
    5. C5 Q98 L.2 "tales gledi guard avenues" poems basis line 1 aw, law like not seen again
    6. C8 Q46 L.4 "Stories refer Gledi/ Algedi Coq date, feared codes terrorises France" Mars L.3
    7. C8 Q98 L.1 "Gledi passengers presage legends"
    8. C3 Q37 L.2
    9. C3 Q75 L.2 Algedi use terrorising terrorised losing stronger misdeed
    10. C3 Q87 L.3
    11. C5 Q42 L.4 Algedi ux compiler
    12. C6 Q71 L.4 Algedis (croix)
    13. C8 Q16 L.14
    14. C10 Q48 L.2 Algedi passes troubles used upon)

I looked at each of the lines and one immediately struck my attention.

C8 Q46  L.4 De coq et d'aigle de France freres trois Of the Cock and the eagle of three French brothers

From the start of this line I could easily read off the anagrams "Code", qoted, date, Gledi, feared, refers, stories". There is a clearly discernible message in the code "Gledi date code refers feared stories France quoted." In achieving this I have used the same adjustment to this line as I used earlier and given the letter q a letter u but other than that there is no alteration in the lettering.

There are several additional support anagrams in the line. Gledi can also be Al Gedi as both come come out of d'aigle. But the same base offers "Alghedi" by replacing the apostrophe with a silent h. These additional names are ancient alternatives for Gledi. There is also an anagram for terrorises (reres trois) that supports the reference to feared.

The above are the reasons why this line struck my attention however its visible code doesn't appear to be an astronomic reference, other than that the coq is often used to signal dawn.

It struck me that so far I hadn't really used the equatorial reference that I'd found earlier and that I should look at the North Celestial pole and the stars between it and the horizon at sunset when Capricorn and Sagittarius were setting.

Below is the image of that time showing Celestial North pole stars at sunset Jan 10th 1555 from Redshift-2 (Maris)

1555 Polestar

Upon seeing this I immediately checked references from some time back. Yes, the Great Bear constellation of Ursa Major had been referred to by the Persians as the seven brothers. Alioth, Alkaid and Mizar, the prominent stars immediately to the right of the north pole line, could reasonably be termed the three brothers.

And there is a star just below the Celestial Pole its name is Kocab. Here is the Coq mentioned in the visible text. And the eagle is the star sitting high up, floating without apparent motion, above the Pole. It is the Polestar watching the world. I have not taken a liberty here for it is d'aigle (of the eagle) that forms the name of Algedi and A'Gledi. And the name of Gledi doesn't just apply to the star in Capricorn, it is an alternate name for Polaris.

I had now achieved something quite significant because I had used the knowledge that I had acquired and sought a result. There was no reason when I began for thinking that this line was the next logical link. It was only the search for the name disclosed by the specific astronomical details of the earlier lines that had highlighted this particular time.

And on first inspection there is nothing to link this verse back to the earlier lines. It is only by applying the reference to 'equatorial system' that I had looked at the star column beneath the pole at sunset on December 25th, 1554. It then turns out that it transforms a meaningless line into a detailed astronomical reference.

And something else had been added to my understanding because these stars confirm an aspect that seemed poignant in the previous lines of verse.

The selection of Christmas Day seems too special a date. Now in Hebrew Kocab means "waiting him who cometh". And Al Gedi, the Polestar has an ancient Arabic meaning. It is the sacrificial lamb. These stars can be viewed as offering symbolic links to him who comes, the sacrificial lamb of God, the birth of Jesus Christ. This links the two lines of verse once more. It confirms that December 25th is the reference point for Nostradamus calendar. 

So by inspiration, rooted firmly in the diligent pursuit of understanding I have seen an unambiguous date. Once more Nostradamus' words prove accurate.

"With divine and supernatural inspiration integrated with astronomical computations one can name times and places accurately, an occult property obtained through divine virtue, power and ability." 

And the above is also in accordance with these words from Nostradamus:at the end of his Epistle to Henry 1558

"And for this [reason], Sire, by this discourse I present these predictions with confusion as to when they will be and the event involved for the enumeration of time that follows has no more than a little consistency in it..  Much that is superior is seen to be astronomical and is the same as in other sacred writings,  using both means I can not fail at all. If I had wanted I could have put the enumeration of time in each quatrain. I might do this but not all would appreciate it, not least those interpreting them. "

This was significant but on its own it hadn't been enough to make me change my view as to the status of my research. At this point I was however interested enough to continue on working, using the certainties that were crystallizing in me.

In the code for the line under analysis, there is a reference to quoted stories that terrorised France and made them fearful of what was to come and this seemed to run through many of the other Gledi / Algedi occurrences (see my notes shown earlier). I already knew there were several of Nostradamus verses that had disturbed France. Three of them in particular had created alarm and I knew I should look at them because the hidden code said "Gledi date code refers feared stories France quoted."

There was another reason for looking as it wasn't the only line that hinted at this idea. There was another but it hold a different twist. I will not analyse it in full, just show the result that I had previously achieved. I already knew of its existence and it seemed supremely meaningful but like so many it stood alone, unconnected to a stream.

Location Original text with anagrams highlighted Key anagram(s) when re-arranged Interpretation of original text
CI Q47 L4 Nostredame star images result in Valoix lines Les magistrates damneront leurs loix vaines The authorities condemn their useless powers.

This line contains Nostradamus' name before it was latinised. It mentions star images and it finishes with the statement that the result of this is in Valoix lines. The Valoix/Valois applies to the name of the family of the king, Henri II of France who was married to Catherine de Medici, and father to seven children that had survived birth.

There are therefore two very different messages that brought me to the conclusion that I should look at the famous lines about the Valoix. And in the process I was drawing in a line that already had been decoded. I was giving it direction.

There are three verses of significance relating to the Valois. There is Quatrain 10 Centuries I which is meant to have told of the death of the Valois' children. There is also Verse 35 Centuries 1, which is related to the death of King Henri II in a duel and there is Quatrain 39 in Centuries X which was famous for its account of the short marriage of Mary (later Queen of Scots) to Francois the oldest son of the Valois. Each became famous for the uncanny connection between Nostradamus' words and the actual events. These were some of the verses that had suggested to me, some thirty seven years ago, that Nostradamus' words needed further examination.

At this point it should have registered there was another support for the verses on Valoix. It was one of Nostradamus' descriptions of his coding in his Preface to the Prophecies that said this trail existed.

"All had to be written under a cloudy figure, above all things prophetic". 

I had always assumed that this meant he had to write prophecies so that his work survived the scepticism of the years but it seems, that in so many of his words, there are different layers of meaning. This line can have this meaning 'Above those lines that are deemed most prophetic is the most important key to my code." This highlights another aspect of this analysis which integrates the visible (above) with the hidden (below) and provides a united stream of instruction. It also draws from Nostradamus' writing on his methods, clarifying his intent.

Of the three identified verses C1 Q10 stood out because it contains a constellation name, Serpens. It is also the verse that is about most of the Valoix line, not just a particular one. This connection I was making had an interesting additional aspect. This was a unidirectional trail from the lines analysed earlier in this paper to this particular verse and there is no way I could have gone from it to them, I needed the knowledge of the astronomic connection in order to proceed. This is the verse

C1 Q10.

  The serpent is put into the cage of iron,
where seven children of the king are held.
The very old and their fathers too will emerge from the base of hell
lamenting to see thus dead the fruit of their line
Serpens transmis dans la caige de fer
Ou les enfans septains du Roy sont pris
Les vieux & peres sortiront bas de l'enfer
Ains mourir voir de fruic mort & crys

I had come to this verse with much expectation but little hope. At best I expected to find a scrambled version of a constellation name hidden under the visible words. It would probably be vague and imply I go in a new direction, a pattern that is consistent with failure not success. Past experience has taught me to rely on forcing things out of lines in order to prove their fruitlessness and to define how incomplete is my methodology. However, such a result would be passingly satisfying since that is how I've progressed through the years by refining and improving my techniques.

The word I now observed I had found many years before (as I have done with many others). This word only occurs once in the whole of the 3769 lines and I had no expectation that the trail should lead me here. The word is actually a double word, a perfectly spelled complete anagram of Ursa-Minoris (Ains mourir voir de fruic mort & crys). Note: I always turn the line into a circle so end and front letters are legitimately part of the same anagram.

And Ursa Minoris is the Constellation of the Polestar, containing both Polaris and Kocab. This is not just a constellation but precisely the one containing the stars that I had found from the previous line's analysis. It wasn't ill formed, it wasn't allusive. It was clear, unambiguous and perfect. (There is also one occurrence of Ursae-Minor (CIX, Q73. L.2) and one of Ursa-Minor (C1 Q89 l.3) and although these two show they are related to this scheme I will not pursue them at this time I only mention them here to show how limited was the chance of hitting it by accident.

This was my 'Eureka' moment when I could cry "I have it." There was more still to be done to ensure this wasn't a dead end, but already I was sure it wouldn't end here.

There is more than this occurrence of Ursa Minoris in the above verse. The element of fear dominates the lines in the earlier verse where Gledi occurs. Here, in  verse C1 Q10, the first line contains Serpens, the serpent, an object feared by many.

It is well known that there is a constellation called Serpens but there is actually more than one. The Persians called the constellation Draconis the serpent as well as its more usual name of Dragon, another object of fear.

If you return to the previous sky chart you will see that there is another major star along the perpendicular from the Pole to the horizon. It is half way between Coqab (the Coq), and Alkaid (the lead star of the three brothers). Its name is Thub an, which in Arabic means 'the serpents' head'. The element of fear, the head of the serpent, therefore has an ongoing link with Gledi, the Polestar, because Thuban too has been the Polestar.

Precession changes the actual star closest to the pole and many thousand years ago it was Thub an. This is an interesting reference for we need to go back to 2400BCE, the time in which Sumer (part of what became Persia) was at its peak for the time when Thub an reigned the sky. The alignment of these stars was then the only other period when the straight line formed through these stars identified by my analysis (the stars move in a curve not a straight line upwards).

The evidence of these verses is pointing to the origin of the code. It lies in Sumer and its practices. It lies in the tradition of the Magi.

ancient Polestar

Celestial North pole stars at sunset 2400BCE  from Redshift-2 (Maris)

This trail leads on from here and there is much more to do with this verse but I will pursue it no further at this time, leaving its advancement for a late time. There are several clues in this verse that are reliant on the methods I have shown in all the forgoing. And this verse is the launching pad for many paths. For those interested in anticipating these, note that by changing de to du and la to le in the first line, the following anagrammatic instruction is revealed. 

C1 Q10  L.1 Serpent's  figured calends represents mans star guide. Serpens transmis dans le caige du fer

The word Calends refers to the first of the month and is a dating system based on appearance of the new moon. 

There is one aspect worthy of immediate disclosure. The line's usage of calends allows the starting year to be defined, thereby clarifying the date established earlier. The new moon is in Capricorn in Sagittarius as the Sun sets on December 25th in 1561. This has to be considered as a possible starting date for Nostradamus calendar but for quite a period every 19 years before and after that , this particular date (Dec 25th) can fulfill the conditions. This possible ambiguity can be resolved because there is another verse that tells us which one to use. 

CV1 Q2  L1 In the year 1580 more or less L'an cinq cens octante plus et moins.
CV1 Q2 L2 The world awaits a very strange Century. On attendra le siecle bien estrange


These words have that poignant ring of relevance. Also I can add to that "more or less" takes into account that the Gregorian and Julian calendars set his Christmas day in different years (5th January 1581 under our Gregorian system. This is the second occasion after Nostradamus' publications that the new moon is in the sector of Sagittarius/ Capricorn overlap on Christmas day. There are further clues to new revelations hidden in these last lines as well (e.g first line of CVI. Q2 has "consequent xxxx in planet emulations" and 'realise notate strange star entries by Calendries" is in the second). 

CV1 Q2  L.1

CV1 Q2 L.2
L'an cinq cens octante plus et moins
On attendra le siecle bien estrange
consequent xxxx in planet emulations
realise notate strange star entries by Calendries

But enough. I have now reached the point where my assessment of my achievements changed and have no need to go further with my case in this particular paper. I now know that the calendars are based on the new moon and that Nostradamus' calendar runs from the auspicious date of December 25th 1580. The foregoing are some of the details I have uncovered but these are only a small part of the true significance of this analysis.

  1. I linked two lines through revealing the hidden content and then interpreted the connection between the hidden and the visible. (And I showed I could do this consistently).
  2. I used every part of what seemed obscure and meaningless allusions and tied them firmly to the story line.
  3. I used the guides and hints within each uncovered line to successfully predict which line should come next.
  4. I showed that the trail was not trivial and that what was revealed was significantly connected to that which had come before and to that which followed.

And in addition I have demonstrated that Nostradamus knew exactly what he was doing since his own words turn out to describe each steof the process I uncovered.

"All had to be written under a cloudy figure, above all things prophetic". (Nostradamus comments in his Preface to his Prophecies.). This translates into his use of the verses most famous for their prophetic content. He needed these verses to be prophetic in order that the message would survive but they hold the cornerstones to the code.

".. and by dark and cryptic sentences" in the same preface tells of the presence of code of the type I have revealed 
"With divine and supernatural inspiration integrated with astronomical computations one can name times and places accurately, an occult property obtained through divine virtue, power and ability." reveals that the code is astronomy based.

And of his words these are some of the most telling for they hold the most vital clue:

". Such secrets should not be bared except by enigmatic sentences having however only one sense and meaning and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted. Rather are they under a cloudy obscurity, with a natural infusion.."

Nostradamus is saying that what he has written is perfectly readable and that every part of any line is necessary to knowing its meaning. With this as a guide I know that the only acceptable standard is total understanding and I can look into every line with confidence it will be there as a mix between the cloudy obscurity of the text and the content infused via the anagrams. It is by these reference points that I sweeaway the publishers misprints and Nostradamus' obscure wording to produce a cohesive stream.

At this point it is essential that I state exactly what I think that I've established and also that which doesn't automatically follow. This work is a theorem that stands on its own merits through logic and evidence. It is this that gives the analysis strength and this same approach must be taken in assessing what it achieves.

I have established that my methodology works.
I have added weight to my hypothesis that the anagrams are not a product of chance.
I have affirmed that Nostradamus' text is coded.
I have established that Nostradamus left an accurate commentary on his code.
And this includes that it is based on astronomy not astrology.

However my analysis in this paper so far has not proven that:

The code is in English even though all my analysis has been performed that way (see below for table of words I have used and their existence as French equivalents)

Nor that Nostradamus could see the future since no knowledge accredited to him in this particular paper is beyond the scope of a 16th century scholar writing a hidden code. 

Nor does it establish that if Nostradamus' text does hold revelations of the future that he knew the details of the future incorporated in his code. ( see below for discussion of this.)

The table that follows shows the words in the coded message and whether their French equivalent can be used to bring about the same result as I achieved with English.

English word used in a line. French word able to replace the English word
Ursa-Minoris Ursa-Minoris
Astronomers Astronome
(Astronomi) Astronomi
Equatorial Equatorial
Memorizes Memoirs
Gledi/ Al Gedi / Alghedi Gledi/ Al Gedi / Alghedi
Route Route
Unique Unique
Places Places
Date Date
Code Code
Stories -
Refers -
Quote/d -
Size -
Mansions -


It is self evident that there is a huge overlap between the English and French that would have made Nostradamus' translation task relatively easy (Assuming that he did write in Modern English) or alternatively it would make it possible for me to analyse a coded work using an invalid language. However the small number of mismatches are significant for these were often the keys from which I launched my connections. Given this and the weight of other verses I have presented in the past and present in this paper as well as those I have not so far disclosed I am firmly of the belief that the code is deliberately set in English. If it isn't already evident I believe that I can establish this beyond reasonable doub t in other message streams.

Assuming that this premise is valid then it is self-evident that Nostradamus' works contains material drawn from the future, since its author has access to modern English. In other analyses I show that the text incorporates many modern technical terms such as radionuclear and denuclearisation.  This would automatically mean there is a proof that is independent of the merit or otherwise of specific predictions. 

As to whether Nostradamus intentionally and knowingly wrote the prophetic quatrains and the underlying code I have no straight-forward answer. I have established that Nostradamus knew that he was writing code and that he was in control of his methodology but there are also parts of his work that imply that he was acting as an agent. In many sections he disclaims being a prophet. He says he is a seer not a predictor and gives credit to his instruments but most importantly to an outside influence. Earlier I quoted one such reference where he says these things.

"With divine and supernatural inspiration integrated with astronomical computations one can name times and places accurately, an occult/hidden property obtained through divine virtue, power and ability." 

Here is another from the Preface to the first part of his work:

"One comes by infusion, clearing the supernatural light for the person who predicts by astronomy, making it possible to predict through inspired revelation. The other is a fixed participation of the divine eternity. By means of it , the Prophet comes to judge what has been given him by his divine spirit, God the Creator and his natural intuition. So what is predicted, and is true, has an ethereal origin. This ethereal light and the thin flame are altogether efficacious, and are of heavenly origin no less than natural light. And it is the latter which renders philosophers so sure of themselves that by means of the principles of the first cause they have penetrated to the innermost cores of the loftiest of doctrines."

Nostradamus talks as though there are three elements to his writing, God ( a natural reference given his beliefs) , the flame (which helps him clear his mind) and a divine, supernatural, ethereal spirit distinct from God. This being he calls a divine eternity which he identifies as being in the heavens.

I have always had a difficulty with the skill to prophesy being a part of man's natural heritage. I have difficulty in understanding why anyone would write prophecies for a distant future. I have greater difficulties in resolving issues to do with the paradoxes unleashed by the ability to prophesy. And I have no empathy with a tricky-god whispering to his favourites and obsessed with gloom and doom.
Yet if you read this paper carefully and compare the last quotes from Nostradamus to what this paper achieves (and claims to achieve) you can easily see that Nostradamus is saying the same things as me. Take the last sentence in the quote above, isn't this what my paper claims?

I have shown there is truth in Nostradamus' description of this code and that he knew his purpose and how it worked, but eventually it seems to go back beyond him. I have no reason to question that he knew its source and has accurately described it in his Preface and the Epistle to the final part of his Prophecies.

To me there is a logic that other beings exist outside the domain into which we are born, to live out our fleeting lives and die. If there is any reasonable explanation as to why a code exists in modern English it seems more reasonable that it is a communication from another form of aware-being. But this being has to be of a vastly different form than us. Nostradamus sees it as a divine eternity, free from the dimension of time. It would have to be in order that it be free of the paradoxes of prophecy. Only in this case of a being freed of the constraints of time can our scientific explanation of the world hold true. It is not inconsistent with what we are discovering about the universe, it would simply be an incredible new aspect of life in the universe.

Finally, I believe my work is valid. If so then it seems we are about to find out who is behind these mysterious works. There are clues that there is no menace and, that whatever the content, that it is meant to be of benefit not harm. Chief amongst these clues is the manner of its patient delivery as it was seeded five hundred years ago.

The methods described in this paper are leading to similar results in verses that are of a more predictive nature (rather than instructive) as shown in the following papers that I have already partially decoded.

Sephirot using Nostradamus' Astronomy ciphers


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