The first Quatrein.
Verse 1 (Quatrein 1), Centuries 1
was the
inspiration behind my search. I found the following code in 1992 and the length
of time needed to reach this point comes through overcoming the
that I relate in these pages I found the following:
C I. Q1 line 1 |
Used-neat test
assisted Centuries |
Estant assis de nuit secret
estude |
Seated alone at night in secret study |
C I. Q1 L.4 |
In Quatreins'
properties a faint courier. |
Fait prosperer qui n'est a croire vain |
Made to prosper that which should not be believed in vain |
The strength of this interpretation
of these lines is:
- The highlighted words are adjacent
anagrams in the visible text.
- the words uncovered are highly relevant
to the topic of Nostradamus' prophecies.
- the anagrams are perfect.
- even the quotation mark has an
appropriate context
- their existence in verse one is
- the un-highlighted anagrams can also be
found in the lines.
- the un-highlighted anagrams continue
the patterns of the highlighted ones.
- together the anagrams give rise to new
meanings in these lines.
- the new meaning sits well with the
visible text (especially L.4 )
The weaknesses of this
interpretation are:
- The anagrams are in English not French
Nostradamus. )
- The version I have presented for line
four comes out of a version of Nostradamus' work where the author had
amended lettering to reduce the incoherence in the version of Nostradamus
from which she was working (however she had no idea that I would turn it
into the above)
- There is no copy of Nostradamus'
original manuscript.
- Printers / publishers in the 16th
century were prone to be very lax in transposing from their source to the
printed page.
- These words might be common anagrams in
any large publication and might have no significance at all.
To address these issues I have spent
fifteen years in establishing a solid core of words on which I feel I can rely.
This involved using one text (Erika Cheetham's last volume called "The
Final Prophecies of Nostradamus: (Warner Books)". That particular volume
shows most unusual letter arrangements that she says are the original form
text she used. To her version of the text I
applied computer
analysis to try and uncover a library of words and their statistical relevance.
As time progressed my initial belief that it would be difficult to find anagrams
changed as I became aware that it is far too easy. I have therefore increasingly
tightened the rules to filter out chance words and build a solid core.
One observation on my choice of this text
is that if anything its inclusion of unorthodox spellings should lower the
chance of sensible anagram strings in a coded message (but not so in an un-coded
message). That is why I selected her text because I expected it o give a
disproof of English code. If this had happened I would have used a more
conventional text and so on. However, the patterns were distinctly there, even
in my much cruder, initial analyses.
Using this solid core and incorporating
principles of correlation to other parts of Nostradamus' work I have reached a
point where I can have confidence that I can safely amend/change
lines in
a minimal way. One of these principles is the linking of the obscure meaning of
the visible text to the strongest whole anagrams in the anagrams. This is the
base of a powerful set of techniques (See my page on Astronomy
where I state for the first time that I have broken the code and give my
evidence for that proposition and show my methods).
With this
to how I went about my research I
can begin to deal
with the weaknesses listed above.
The first weakness becomes irrelevant if
the evidence shows convincingly that it's true, their is a code in English
underling the visible form. In this first verse for example
interpretation and the link to the underlying text would not otherwise hold
because "'properties" is an English word, a term not used in Old
French. (In the paper on Astronomy I give my initial
reasons for using English anagrams.)
To see the variation in different versions
compare the picture of
early original text
(at start of this paper)
to that I used and the one given in the book I used as my source for analysis ("Estant
assis de nuict secret estude" and "Fait prsperer q n'est a
croire vain."). It becomes apparent immediately that making sense
from my Cheetham source is rendered impossible by the dropping out of letters.
It is different to her earlier work which I used in this analysis (
prosperer qui n'est a croire vain"). L.4
from the photo is much
the same but it uses proferer
instead of prosperer.
In presenting this verse I have taken
far more liberties than I would normally allow, but this is a special verse
where there can be reasonable expectation that Nostradamus would have used these
words if he wanted to talk in a hidden manner about how to find what's really in
his works. This technique of using reasonable expectation of content is
consistent with common decoding practice. It gives decoder a foundation that is
either supported or destroyed by applying what it reveals. On this basis my
analysis will stand as the preferred solution to the line(see Astronomy
and Anagrams3). In doing this I'm now able to
a version of that line that should prove far more reliable than any
other. From such a base one can understand what replacement techniques are
needed to make each line readable.
There are a huge number of lines that are
unreliable because there is no agreement in the earliest sources. Their lines
have different letters, different words and even a different number of words BUT
there are a huge number which are essentially the same. And further much of each
line is identical from version to version. This was the premise on which my
computer analyses was founded. (See
Research 1
Anagram Research
2 for the most thorough of my investigations).
The last of the weaknesses in my list
relates to the commonality of the words in the text. I am able to give an exact
count of every whole anagram for each and every word I use. I can even do the
same for single-split anagrams. My computer programs can find any word's set of
in seconds.
It becomes tedious if I were to present
the count for every word so I only present those that illustrate the point.
Earlier I said it was easier than I initially thought possible to produce
anagrams but this doesn't mean I can find anagrams for any word I choose. There
are far more words, with relevant meaning to my themes, that don't exist at all
than in the closed set I am compelled to use.
But when an anagram of high
significance occurs it sometimes occurs more frequently than seems reasonable by
chance alone and most often it isn't founded on the same group of French words.
The natural constraints are also there
since there are
limited number of whole anagrams of reasonable size
that can be found in any line.
In this verse the words centuries and
quatreins are the keys. In the Cheetham version I use there are only 3 whole
anagram occurrences of Centuries (and 4 if you include my variant in this one).
There are a total of 12 occurrences if I allow for a stray letter splitting the
anagram in two parts. This includes Cheetham's 1st verse (it includes a c in
nuict whereas other versions show it as nuit). I only go to the use of the split
anagram as a last use. On the major themes in these pages the bulk of the work
comes from complete anagrams and where I vary from that I justify my actions.
You are seeing a stream of meaning that cannot be easily dismissed on any lack
of discipline on my part.
There are 7 whole anagrams of Quatrein, 4
of Quatreins (3 also include quatrein), 2 of Quatrains (alternate spelling) and
1 of Quatrein. Since I use Cheetham's version the Quatreins in this verse are
not included in this count so the total for quatreins
can be increased by
one. There are no instances of "properties" other than as resented in
verse 1. There is a single noccurrence of "Prorperti/y")
These are therefore not common anagrams
that can readily be dismissed. By examining other papers in this website it
should become apparent that there are many highly improbable occurrences of far
more difficult
words than these (e.g tetragrammaton, radionuclear,
thermonuclear etc).
C I. Q1 L.1 |
Used-neat test
Centuries |
Anagrams |
French |
Estant assis de nuit secret estude |
English |
Seated alone at night in secret study |
C I. Q1 L.4 |
In Quatrein properties a faint courier. |
Anagrams |
French |
Fait prosperer qui n'est a croire vain |
English |
Made to prosper that which should not be believed in vain |
These lines of verse containing Centuries and Quatreins , unlike those in
other streams don't seem to link one to the other. They are treated more like
objects than as part of a flow. they occur in many streams. They demonstrate
that imagination doesn't explain the threads. I have obviously searched but no
link seems to be there. Below are the ones that seem to offer a suggestion of a
link. The link seems to be
cipher / code schemes used in older
forms of poetry,
C 3. Q.67 L.2 |
Centuries impresses richest runes Persian ciphers
schemes seems-important. |
Anagrams |
French |
mort or honneurs et richesses |
English |
Despising death, gold, honours and riches |
C 6. Q.65 L.2 |
As Norse pilets sail not as ill-Centuries replied |
Anagrams |
NUICT SER-ONT- AS-SAIL-lis et pillez |
French |
nuict seront assaillis et pille(z/r) |
meaning |
night they will be assaulted and pillaged |
C 7. Q.7 L.2 |
lets Norse Stollens send less old Starzone
sector |
Anagrams |
French |
nuict seront les soldartz estonnes |
English |
soldiers will be astonished by night. |
Norse z and r interchangeable.
Q.56 L.1 |
Pierre Letter-pair properti also transits Proletary
(lower classes) abstains alter Asias basis |
Anagrams |
royal son baissant trop tire |
English |
royal prelate his bowing too low. |
C 3. Q.67 L.2 |
Persians heretics impress Centuries richest runes |
Anagrams |
French |
mort or honneurs et richesses |
English |
Made to prosper that which should not be believed in vain |
L.2 |
Centuries ends notates less old Norse stollens |
Anagrams |
French |
De nuict
seront les soldats etonnes |
English |
By night the soldiers will be astonished |
C.VII Q.14
L.4 |
AlnUbr chosen poets runa poetries channels Quatreins verse use |
anagrams |
French |
Pour blanches noires et pour antiques vertes |
English |
For white, black and for ancient green |