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Nostradamus C1 Q56: Conception wthout a father as the Mediterranean coast is impacted by fallout
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

The Calamity verse series in Nostradamus' Prophecies(agennos :from Gk, a=without/ not, gennos=beget, implying not begotten .)

This is a keystone verse that unifies Nostradamus' theme in which we see the nature of the mutations of the land arising from Nostradamus' tale of massive inundation. But these events are there as support for Nostradamus primary interest; the genetic story of a resurrected Christ based on the long-time heretical view that Jesus left a bloodline. The cipher 'agennos' appears as an anagram at the end of the the third line. All eight of the 'agennos' (un-begotten) anagram verses can be accessed through agennos quatrains.

This verse is part of a triad that appears as a small cluster in the middle section of the first one hundred verses of the Prophecies and each of them brings meaningful contributions that place C1 Q51 at the start of a one hundred year period of great mutations. That period climaxes with the continuous precession of the Pole stars bringing the current Polaris to its closest point to the north celestial pole.Nostradamus Prophecies verse C1 Q56 emotion cipher showing environmental events for 21st century The text of C1 Q56 clearly complies with this outlined astronomic picture.

C1 Q56 contributes confirming elements for the epoch from 1999 to 2105CE being a prime focus for the most important of Nostradamus' story lines. The aspect that it deals with is the environmental background for the specified period. 

# sapropelic : organic mud
# hornitos: volcanic detritus
# pedospheric : top layer of organic soil.
# actinoids : radioactive elements in the actinide series.

The rarest anagrams in this verse consistently involve technical words from the 21st century such as pedopsheric, hornitos, salination, actinoids, nucleons and sapropelic. But there are more common words that help weave a precise tale and these include divinest, actions, indications, equalise, special, extreme, lineations, coastline and precautions. Most involve earth changing events such as volcanic activity, wind flows, atmospheric pollution, radiation, soil deposition , soil contamination and vast submergence of land. All these events are consistent with a planet destabilized by man-made climate change and geophysical events triggered by fire from the sky. And most of these keywords have less than two occurrences in the Prophecies while a few such as coastline have up to five.

In the agennos series I chose to pair C1 Q54 with this verse because of its critical role in setting dates for many of Nostradamus' major themes together with them both bearing the agennos cipher which make them important headstones for the major theme about Jesus' genetic line in the modern era.

This verse forms a modern date-defining triad via its links to both C1 Q51 and C1 Q54.

Sooner and later you will see great changes made,
dreadful horrors and vengeances.
For as the moon is thus led by its angel
the heavens draw near to the Balance.
Vous verrez toſt et tard faire grand change
Horreurs extremes et vindications
Que ſi la lune conduicte par ſon ange
Le ciel s'approche des inclinations

Adjacent Anagrams plus Anagrams of highest merit.
Selection Order based on letter rarity, word and sequence length plus line completion

  1. <danger change air draft><revertz to tatterS><change arraigned draft><afraid grander change><to teSt>genoVa
  2. <divinest actions> <actinoids invest><Hornitos [volcano detritus] vindicates extremes><extreme indications><actinoids misevent exerts><antiocHs divinest meter><da-vinci st-ioHn esteem>
  3. <agen precautionS><agen no pSeudonarcotic><eQualise nucleon><agen undo practiSe on><SaliQue agennoS nucleon><unconceited parSon>
  4. <nation declines><heed special crop Lineations><pedospheric [soil layer] ><sapropelic [organic mud] coastLine><applies ochred coastline><sad-prophecies coastline /sectionaL lie>
1: pseudonarcotic, sad-prophecies, pedospheric, vindicates, lineations, hornitos, divinest, nucleon, revertz, draft,
2: indications, unconceited, precautions, sapropelic, actinoids, vindicate, diatonic/ actinoid, Da Vinci, equalise, tatters, Genova,
3: coastline / sectional, misevent, practise, changed, St Iohn, Rosanna, vogue,
4: sapropel, invested, storez,
5: Antiochs, elations / Saint Leo, (e)special, extreme(s), applies, acid,
6: arraigned, handcar, afraid, tetrad, horns / shorn, exerts,
7: diactin, actions, salique, apples, agrief,
8: coparents, eduction, declines / silenced, agennos, echoed, lunael,
9: silence, reuxes, uncle, esteem,
10: errz,
11: seaport, action, angrier, heeds,
12: nations, linc,
13: induct, Chesed,
14: allies,
15: ochred, anoint / nation, carpet, exert,
16: -
17: invest, fad,
18: chopper, ounce,
19: copperah, peratic,
20: -
21: rezt,
22: -
23: -

hornitos, vindicates, divinest, draft, pedospheric, nucleon, lineations, tatters, Genova, sapropelic, actinoids, equalise, indications, pseodonarcotics, practise, special, precautions, coastline, afraid, agennos, action, applies, extremes, seaport, nation, misevent, Antiochs, stored, St John, Saint Leo, vogue, afraid, exerts, actions, silence, coparents, agennos, induct, allies, esteem.


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