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There are many words which have religious significance that are not represented in Nostradamus' text. In appreciating those that are, it is helpful to have an idea of the range which are excluded. These include Church/es, cathedral, bishop, Cardinals, crematorium, mausoleum, evangelist/s, catholic, orthodox, apostolic, minister, Saint-John, Saint-Paul, Saint-Marq, Christian, martyr/s, beatification, Jesus, crucified, purgatory, heresy etc.

Many short words are, as expected, quite abundant and the accidental rate would be high even if the text isn't coded. These include Iesus (17), pastor (12), priest(26), Pope (9), Moses (13), Islam (20), Saints (38), Qoran (22), Quran (28). These words are only included in the table below when they occur in conjunction with rarer words.

The table below shows a list of those religious anagrams that are of lower number and of other words also of religious significance that are in the same verse in visible or hidden form. It also shows any other anagrams found in the verse that may give meaning. 

In developing these tables I have drawn on the anagrams recovered by my programs. They have been built using those words that are least frequent. I have not chosen to exclude or include words to produce a particular effect. However, having gathered them together in this fashion I believe there are consistencies within each verse that tie in with the external references to the key words. 

The anagrams in the following tables are out of context so it is unwise to draw premature conclusions to their relevance. As presented they don't carry the authority of linking the visible with the hidden text nor do they carry the depth and breadth of meaning bestowed by interweaving the Norn like threads of past present and future. Note, however, that I think that by reference to their context in Nostradamus' text I will be able to establish they are united by one theme and that is the threat from future acts of fundamentalism / zealotry. I also believe they supply the names and places of the definitive sources for the deepest level of hidden code. 

It is worth looking at the list of occurrences given below each table. Not only does it indicate the worth or otherwise of the words grouped together but there is a hint that their frequency may other another dimension to their interpretation.

In these Tables of Verses and Anagrams, Words in the visible text  are shown in bold. These may not necessarily be found elsewhere as anagrams.

Abbey, Abbots, Saint Quintin

Verse Place Description Office Personnage(s) Task
C.1 Q.5 Prayer-less Abbot, Friar Europe's persecutor
C.08 Q.96 Abbey, Israel synagogues Saintly Guest baby, woman persecuted, last agony, friendliest listener
C.09 Q.40 Abbey Saint Quintin baby, Jesus, Pope, Isus fontal name
Occurrences: Persecuted (1), Persecutor (1), Saintly (1) agony (1) friendliest (2) baby(3) Friar (5) guest (5) fontal (5) listener (15) Europes (19) Israel (45) name (89)

St Quintin was a Christian martyr, executed for his missionary zeal at Amiens on the 31st October, 287CE. He had been seized and thrown into prison, loaded with chains. The court before which he was brought could not alter his zeal through either promises or threats and the magistrate condemned him to a barbaric torture. His body was pierced with two iron wires from the neck to the thighs, and iron pins were thrusts under his nails, into his flesh, his skull. Lastly his head was cut off.

The first of the third group of Mysteries associated with the rosary prayers is called The Agony of the Garden. One point in this recital says An angel appears to Him from heaven to strengthen Him.

Christ, Jews and Herod

Verse Place Description Office Personnage(s) Task
C.01 Q.82 Eucharist designator, Saturdays Christ, Herod solemn omens assemble dread horse, introduce hermetic sector
C.02 Q.11 Progressional racial,  Jews, Moiras, Cardinal need talents for, argue,
C.04 Q.70 Vesture Jews man's pyre, counter disengage, crashes foreseen
C.05 Q.9 Eleusian super-sacerdotal model of garlands found Jews my participance fail
Occurrences: Supersacerdotal (1), Saturdays (1), progressional (1) hermetic (1) disengage (1) Eucharist (2) designator (2) Jeuus (3) vesture (3) Eleusian (3) Cardinal (4) Christ (5) racial (5) introduce (7) found (8) Herod (9) garlands (10) assemble (14) sector (20) pyre (28) solemn (30) dread (39) omens (60)

Super-sacerdotal: means highest priestly authority.
Eleusian (mysteries): Ancient mysteries that were celebrated in early autumn when seed was sown. The rituals celebrated the abduction and return of Persephone and symbolized the annual cycle of death and rebirth in nature as well as the immortality of the soul. Ancient belief held that they were instituted in Eleusis by Persephone's mother, Demeter. Dionysus was also much honoured. 

Cyprianus, Cyprian -Saint, Bishop of Carthage

Verse Place Description Office Personnage(s) Task
C.04 Q.7 Tomb heretical, turmoil Cyprian (Saint) Islam armour, princely death
C.04 Q.7 Cyprianus Futures clues, powers exposures, his altruisms, imparts reprisals
C.10 Q.35 ArthemideTemple  Europe, Thermai (Thessalonica),  Cyprian (Saint), mild-hearted amputee hatred, spread organic mud
Occurrences: mildhearted (1) princely (1) altruisms (1), turmoil (1), reprisals (1) Thermai (2) Arthemide (2) heretical (2) organic (2) hatred (3) exposures (3) imparts (4) death (5) Islam (20) tomb (23) armour (30) mud (32) spread (34) bishop (0) Carthage (0)

ArthemideTemple:  The Temple of Artemis/Diana in Ephesus, Turkey was considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. At the core it involved the worship of the Goddess who is identified by many names, one of which is Isis.

Saint Cyprian (Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus) lived and died in the 3rd century of Christian era. He was an early Christian writer and taught rhetoric. His writings about Jews and their part in the stories of the New Testament have remained a constant source for anti-Semitic ideas.  

By this alone the Jews can receive pardon of their sins, if they wash away the blood of Christ slain, in His baptism, and, passing over into His Church, obey His precepts. In Isaiah the Lord says: 'Now I will not release your sins. When ye stretch forth your hands, I will turn away my face from you; and if ye multiply prayers, I will not hear you: for your hands are full of blood.' (Against the Jews)

His ideas were also important in establishing the foundation of the Holy Trinity and the role of Virgin Mary as Mother of God. These gave credence to the family "brought into unity from the unity of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (Saint Cyprian, "De Orat. Dom.," 23: PL 4, 536), at whose heart is a new bond between the Mother and the disciple.

On September 13, 258, Cyprianus was imprisoned and sentenced to die by the sword because of his Christian beliefs. His only answer was "Thanks be to God!" The execution was carried out at once in an open place near the city. A vast multitude followed Cyprian on his last journey. He removed his garments without assistance, knelt down, and prayed. Two of his clergy blindfolded him. He ordered twenty-five gold pieces to be given to the executioner, who with a trembling hand administered the death-blow.

His altruisms and dogmatism are a foundation of many fundamentalist ideas. His sayings include :

"He can no longer have God for his Father who has not the Church for his mother;.. he who gathereth elsewhere than in the Church scatters the Church of Christ" .. "nor is there any other home to believers but the one Church".

The most famous saying of Cyprian, states "Outside the Church there is no salvation,"

Evangelists, disciples

Verse Place Description Office Personnage(s) Task
C.01 Q.8 Monasterial personified societal recipients Evangelisers,  anarchs  isolate fiend, evangelises, arrests Evangelistaries pleasures
C.04 Q.31 disciples epistles, demons
C.10 Q.51 Epicureans Evangelism Caxton epic guides re-unite cornerstones
C.10 Q.99 Evangelistic angelic saints Xmas Nostradame semanticist nobly reason treason name
C.03 Q.40 Evangelizer adherant , delegations reports Disaster arrests
Occurrences: Caxton (1) personified (1) evangelis/m/ers/taries (1), evangeli/zer/stic (1), semanticist (1), misplants (1) Xmas (1) monasterial (2) Disaster (2) Epicureans (3) angelic (3) cornerstones (3) epistles (3) anarchs (3) delegations (4) guides (4) Nostradame (5) recipients (5) nobly (6) reunites (6) adherant (7) isolate (8) arrests (8) pleasures (11) reports (14) epic (16) demons(17) saints (38) treason(40) reason (43) name (89) disciples (0) 

An Epicurean is a follower of the philosophy advanced by Epicurus that considered happiness, or the avoidance of pain and emotional disturbance, to be the highest good and that advocated the pursuit of pleasures that can be enjoyed in moderation (See prayers and hell/heaven for other instances).

Caxton (William) (see reference in Wilkpedia for more): Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye or Recueil des Histoires de Troye, is a courtly romance written by Raoul le Fevre, chaplain to Philip III, Duke of Burgundy. It was the first book printed in the English language. It was translated by William Caxton and printed by him with Colard Mansion in Bruges (about 1475). This predates his establishing of his printing press at Westminster in 1476. Caxton's translation of the Golden Legend, published in 1483, contains some of the earliest verses of the Bible to be printed in English, rather than copied. This popular medieval classic was about the lives of the Saints worshipped in the late 15th century. Originally its title was simply Legenda Sanctorum which is Latin for "Saints' readings". The author , Jacobus de Voragine, usually begins his tale with a fanciful etymology of the saint's name, even though it is likely he knew their accurate meaning. At that time it was not uncommon to use linguistically accurate derivations set out beside allegorical and figurative explanations. An example (in Caxton's translation) shows the author's method:

Sylvester is said of sile or sol which is light, and of terra the earth, as who saith the light of the earth, that is of the church. Or Silvester is said of silvas and of trahens, that is to say he was drawing wild men and hard unto the faith. Or as it is said in glossario, Silvester is to say green, that is to wit, green in contemplation of heavenly things, and a toiler in labouring himself; he was umbrous or shadowous. That is to say he was cold and refrigate from all concupiscence of the flesh, full of boughs among the trees of heaven.

It seems to me that the code used by Nostradamus' is very akin to this process used by Voragine.




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