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Nostradamus C9 Q13: Highlighting nuclear power fears  as Polestar passes zenith
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Jan 2023

The  Roots / Astronomy Origins verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesThe  Roots / Astronomy Origins verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesIn verse C9 Q13 Nostradamus' anagrams become a personal expression of his concerns for the time when the Polestar reaches its turning point. This era is identified by the presence of Cynosura (urancoys) which is an older name of our current Pole Star aka Polaris and Ursae Minoris.

There are many anagrams that are distinctly nuclear in nature and there

 Other anagrams once again focus on the impact of human based 21st century knowledge on the manner in which human breeds.

The text of the fourth line stating 'placed, discovered by the fire of Burancoys' hints at an unfamiliar energy device.

However it is only the anagrams that can be the vehicle for terms unfamiliar to all but the 20th and 21st centuries. And terms such as protium (it pour m) and deuteron (odene tru) deal with hydrogen isotopes that play an increasing role in modern energy production. This is also true of the term uranium-deposit (s de nuit pour ma).

 Nostradamus Centuries 9 Quatrain 13  The culture of scientific progress leads to modern attempts to expand nuclear energy capabilitiesIt is the implication of Nostradamus' knowledge base delivering an older name for Polaris (Cynosura) that led me to pair this verse with C1 Q36 which also has an anagram for an older name of Polaris (Mismar). Another factor in my choice was their inclusion of poetic coding methods. In this current verse that involves anagrams for acronyms and my codes pouuers.

The exiles go to the tower of the Sologne,
Led by night for the march to Lauxois,
Two of Modena for Bologna cruel,
Placed discovered by the fire of Burancoys.
Les exilez au tour de la Soulongne
Conduis de nuit pour marcher a Lauxois
Deux de Modene truculent de Bologne
Mys deſcouuers par feu de Burancoys

L1: <~to sexuaLise a Soul long eeL ruled~><~ long eeLsexualize tuuo ordeals~> <exiLes adulterous zeal><liez touuard sex>

L2: <Conoids [cone-like] protium [H3] uuidens carrhae [battle]><archer uranium-deposit [near Roxby Downs]><archer protium><reach uxa-soiL><Rachael Sioux armour uuidens pit>uuindiest disunite undo united

L3: <deuteron clue><~Deduxe uncluttered deMon loBe gone~><oBlong deMon exuDed culture><Deduxe long clue reMounted> <~neeD deMon logo culture uxed (en)deBt~><~Deduxe redocuMent long Bolted lune~>golDen doMe uneDge

L4: <My cyanosur (Polestar) codeS pursue fear Breuued><fear pouuers cynosura Bued [bestowed]><mY suBdeaconry><acronyMs cupreouS fear beuued>uuorse unBared unBraced dyeS

1: uranium-deposit, UXA-soil, subdeaconry, uncluttered, uuindiest, sexualize, acronyms, remounted, Cynosura, , disunite, conoids, uuidens, breuued, beuued,
2: redocument, adulterous, countered, culture, unbared, bolted,
3: unbraced, protium, oblong, endebt, Sioux,
4: urbane, urban, logo,
5: Rachael, cosy,
6: input / Putin, pursue, 
7: Delatour,
8: -
9: cupreous, touuard, uncle, Freud,
10: Aeolus,
11: carrhae, unedge, denote, zeal,
12: deuteron, bued,
13: ordeals, deduxe / exuded, exiles, exile, coy,
14: liez,
15: united, Selene,
16: charmer / marcher, pouuers, golden,
17: Lexis, dyes,
18: uprears, aural / Laura,
19: guile,
20: debt,
21: tuuo, 
22: Rachel, Tudor.

uranium-deposit, UXA-soil, subdeaconry, uncluttered, uuindiest, sexualize, acronyms, remounted, Cynosura, disunite, conoids, widens, breuued, beuued, redocument, adulterous, countered, culture, unbared, bolted, unbraced, protium, oblong, endebt, Sioux, urbane, urban, logo, Rachael, cosy, input, pursue, Delatour, cupreous, toward, uncle, Freud, Aeolus, carrhae, unedge, denote, zeal, deuteron, bued, ordeals, exuded, exiles, exile, coy, liez,united, Selene,  charmer, powers, golden, Lexis, dyes, uprears, aural, guile, debt, two,  Rachel, Tudor.




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