Nostradamus C9 Q13: Highlighting nuclear power fears as Polestar passes zenith
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Jan 2023
In verse
C9 Q13 Nostradamus' anagrams become a personal expression of his concerns for the
time when the Polestar reaches its turning point. This era is identified by the
presence of Cynosura(urancoys)
which is an older name of our current
Pole Star aka Polaris and Ursae Minoris.
There are many anagrams
that are distinctly nuclear in nature and there
Other anagrams once again
focus on the impact of human based 21st century knowledge on the manner in which human breeds.
The text
of the fourth line stating 'placed, discovered by the fire of
Burancoys'hints at an
unfamiliar energy device.
However it is only the anagrams that can be the vehicle for terms
unfamiliar to all but the 20th and 21st centuries. And terms such as
protium (it pour m)
and deuteron (odene
tru) deal with hydrogen isotopes that play an
increasing role in modern energy production. This is also true of the
term uranium-deposit (s
de nuit pour ma).
It is the implication of Nostradamus' knowledge base delivering an older
name for Polaris (Cynosura) that led me to pair this verse with
C1 Q36
which also has an anagram for an older name of Polaris (Mismar).
Another factor in my choice was their inclusion of poetic
coding methods. In this current verse that involves anagrams for
acronyms and
my codes pouuers.
C9 Q13
Original Verse in English and French (Benoit Ed.)
The exiles go to the tower of the Sologne, Led by night for the
march to Lauxois, Two of Modena for Bologna cruel, Placed
discovered by the fire of Burancoys.
Les exilez au tour de la Soulongne Conduis de nuit pour marcher
a Lauxois Deux de Modene truculent de Bologne Mys deſcouuers par
feu de Burancoys
Adjacent Anagrams
Anagrams of highest merit. ( ~ Means full line
used) Selection
Order based on letter rarity, word and sequence length plus line
L1: <~to sexuaLise a Soul long eeL ruled~><~ long
eeLsexualize tuuo ordeals~> <exiLes adulterous zeal><liez touuard sex>