Nostradamus C3 Q77: Paraclete, Pentecost and claims of ossuary miracles resulting in the Savior
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022
the text of the the first line of verse C3 Q77 it says The third
climate under Aries. This provides a direct link to the quote in
the epistle shown alongside. It also provided the final clue I needed when
assessing the poetic mechanism of attribute replacement held in the anagrams of the first pair in
this series. I deduced that the stories are presented within five frameworks. Hence the content in the text and anagrams of
this verse which references a third climate provide guidance as to
the third major religious story line.
The rarest of the anagrams in this verse (vignettes
and Pentecost)
provide the
basis for my pairing this verse with
C4 Q13
where there is an anagram of extreme rarity for Pentecostalism.
By the strength of the connection between these entries in this pair it is apparent
that this theme identifies the start of the trail that discloses modern
efforts to resurrect a Jesus like being using relics sourced from the
original Pentecost events.
The contents of the text in the fourth line of the current verse Conflict, death, loss: to the
cross great shame hint at the claim made above. The plausibility of this hidden religious story
line is heightened by its critical anagrams being the rarest and hence most
plausible in this current verse
religious cohesion and rarity of these anagrams when
combined with this texts reference to 'death, loss to the cross great shame'
also makes the Paraclete
term an appropriate key cipher for any story occurring in the annual
setting of Pentecost. Paraclete which is an alternate name for the
Holy Ghost is another of highly powerful anagrams in this current verse The anagrams for Pentecost (
t sept en Oc), Paraclete (L4:perte a la c), ossuaries (L1:
ſous Aries) and
miracles (L1:
ers clima)all have two other occurrences but in differing verses which
makes their very appropriate
appearance here all the more notable.
aka the Holy Ghost or Spirit will also provide a branch that emerges
from this current layering and the trail it marks out will be based on this
particular verse of what can now be called the Pentecost layer.
There are other important and some less rare anagrams that add
substance to the picture. Vignettes which lies adjacent to the anagram
for Pentecost is a term referring to a a brief evocative description,
account, or episode. Hence its presence at that location enhances the
probability that these anagrams are the deliberate product of the author
of this verse and they distinctly mark his modern trail covering a
Paraclete style leader. It is these scene defining terms that ties it to
C5 Q26
Other anagrams such as relics and
splinter have a lower credibility
because they are nor rare or complex yet cannot go unmentioned given
the prominence of the anagram for ossuaries.
This verse is also one of several that contains a specific
date. However these 'well defined dates' are not part of the astronomy mechanism
by which Nostradamus normally builds his calendar. Here the date is likely to
be a cipher generator not a calendar device.
DATA section
There is also a verse C5 Q26
which has an anagram for Paraclet(eus) and relevant other key words but I have found no other
variants than these:
The third climate included under Aries The year 1727 in October, The King of Persia
captured by those of Egypt: Conflict, death, loss: to the
cross great shame.
Le tiers climat ſous Aries comprins L'an
mil sept cens vingt et sept en Octobre Le Roy de Perſe par ceux
d'Egypte prins Conflit mort perte a la croix grand opprobre
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
<resiLient claim comprise><Lines So it comprise ursA miracles><relics
spLinter Sauior aim comes><relics spLinter usA atomS rise>oSsuAries
reclimatise taoiSm maoiSt