Nostradamus C5 Q26: Paracletus cipher's import for the Jesus legacy of peace
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015,2022
According to Trinitarian doctrine, the Paraclete or Holy Spirit is the third
person of the Trinity who among other things provides guidance, consolation,
strength, and support to people. Other titles for the Holy Spirit include
'Spirit of Truth', Lightful Spirit of God Almighty, Holy Breath, Almighty
Breath, Giver of Life, Lord of Grace, Helper, 'Comforter', 'Counselor' and
Paracletus provides a crucial cipher integrating a theme from the
past with the action principle of a future event. It identifies a prince
of peace who leads a religious sect in the years leading up to the
apocalyptic religious war at the end of this century.
The current verse gains
its structure from a set of definitive religious definitive anagrams
some of which are
Galilean sect (ial La gen
_ t eſc),
ancients (geront
pri _ nce naiſt),
Paracleteus Angel (La gen
_t eſclaue par),
Archangelic (ial Changer),
Proclaimer (r la mer copi).
Importantly proclaimer is a term that relates to a powerful speaker and is
one of the many alternate names for a Paraclete.
verse's narrative relates to the story of the Christ clones rise to
power some time after the end of this century. One way it does this is
by allusion to the original Christ story in the anagrams. However the
text's story relies on confirmatory use of terms repeated in other parts
of the same tale to validate the Paraclete / Christ connection stated
The emergent tale then reflects the resolution of the dilemma about
Christ's mortal matter which is denied by the actions of the Niceans.
This makes possible the concept of DNA from the line of a daughter of
Christ. It also makes it possible that a religious sect seeks to use
such material to resurrect the Jesus line.
It is the terms defining a known Christ scene that are found in this verse and
C3 Q77
that lies behind my pairing these two verses in this Paraclete series.
DATA section
The slavish people through luck in war Will become elevated to
a very high degree: They will change their Prince, one born a
provincial An army raised in the mountains to pass over the
La gent
eſclaue par vn heur martial Viendra en haut degre tant eſleuee
Changeront prince naiſtre vn prouincial Paſſer la mer copie aux monts leuee.
Extra Info:
There are a total of seven verses holding variant anagrams for
Paraclete. There is also a verse C5 Q26
which has an anagram for
Paraclet(eus) and relevant other key words but I have found no other
variants than these:
# Paraclet is a French form of Paraclete
Adjacent Anagrams plus Anagrams of highest
merit. Selection Order based on
letter rarity, word and sequence length plus line completion
L1: <maturer gaLilean Sect><galiLean paracleteuS maturer><marital
angeL Sect> <paracleteuS anGel humaner trial / trail><neglectS
aLl><i encapSulate Legal art><aLl agen Speculate rvna temurrah>
<nucleateS gaLilea><caStle marital angeL.
L2: <neateSt
inVader ungathered><great era Sent haunted><neateSt daughter leuee
driven><entreat leueeS harden Vine><ten leueeS targeted> adrienne
L3: <proven arChangelic uni-on retainS><invertS nicean>
<ancientS reporting> <garonne print tranSceive> <proven
retainS><encript proven Strain><over-prints
nicean /canine >raveStein incinerateS
L4: <rePaSS amountx
lame / male copier leuees><amuxe proclaimer toluene/ solvent
aPSeS><calmer SeaS> <leuees SpareS calmer amountx><toluenes relaPseS
Table listing anagram occurrences (1-23) in
Nostradamus' Prophecies
1: halucinagenic, Archangelic, proclaimer, overprints, ungathered,
reporting, daughter, proven, haunted, 2: encapsulate,
Paracleteus, incinerates, transceive, speculate, amountx, neglects,
targeted, humaner, 3: Niceans,nucleates, marital, 4:
compare, Galilean, 5: ancients, Archangel,
maturer, 6: cleanest, Gallia, monux, neatest, haunt, 7:
toluenes, calmer, canine / Nicean, 8: Rontgen, copier, atrial /
Altair, strive / 9: Galilea, inverts, gall, 10: talents,
entreat, leuee (2x) 11: harden, 12: negates, 13: encript,
Adrienne, 14: castle, 15: entreats, Garonne, legal,
16: - 17: amuxe, 18: elegant, leanest, 19: reagent,
Celts, 20: arsenite, 21: - 22: clause, 23: leuees /
sleeue (2x).
Key Ideas:
halucinagenic, Archangelic, proclaimer, overprints, reporting,
daughter, proven, haunted, encapsulate, Paracleteus, incinerates,
transceive, speculate, amountx, neglects, targeted, humaner, Niceans,
nucleates, marital,
compare, Galilean, ancients,
Archangel, maturer, neatest, haunt, calmer, Nicean, copier, inverts,
Galilea, talents, encript, Garonne, legal, clause.