Nostradamus C1 Q10: The northern polestar Ursa Minor
as the guiding clock for 21stC
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015
The fourth line of this verse has the only anagram for Ursa Minoris and
has another co-joined lettering for Cynosura-time. Both names are
used for the Northern Polestar. This astronomic feature is set into an
environment where positrons sit alongside modern terms from medicine,
archeology and biology (see my paper on astronomy
for more).
There are also quite disturbing anagrams related to current
events in the Middle East. Together they make it clear that this verse is
about us and events to come over the near future. Traditionally this verse
has been linked entirely with the demise of the French Royal family in the
sixteenth century. This older application is still valid but what it also
does is provide guidance for the star and planet formations that will
reveal the onset of the mutations at the heart of Nostradamus' Prophecies.
Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:
A serpent is put into the vault of iron,
where seven children of the king are held. The ancestors and forebears will come forth from the dead lamenting to see thus dead the fruit of their line
Serpens tranſmis dans la caige de fer
Ou les enfans ſeptains du Roy ſont pris Les vieux et peres ſortiront
bas de l'enfer Ains mourir voir de fruic mort et crys
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
(~ means full line used).
<pen referS star><repreSents manS manS freed /defer islands><Serpents / preSents freed><algaecide preferS><~Sadism deferS present analgesic ran~> <a scandal miSs gedi>partnerS preferS
<fans print So youR sOul seen> <youR pOsitronS><lOuis seen><youRS not perilOus ><duRations Sony prints><dinosauR aptneSs> anapeSts / peaSants