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Nostradamus C1 Q01: The nature of the prophet's trance & the properties it enables
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, June 2023

The first verse is not a prophecy but an introduction that conveys the first hints of the mechanism by which the verses that follow relate to events from future times.

Nostradamus first quatrainC1 Q01

Sitting alone at night in secret study.
Alone I meditate on the brass tripod.
A slight flame comes out of the solitude
Making prosper things not believed in vain

Estant aſsis de nuict ſecret eſtude
Seul repose ſur la ſelle d'aerain
Flambe exigue fortant de ſolitude
Fait pſperer q n'eſt a croire vain

Look carefully at the verse in the picture alongside ( Bonhomme edition 1555) and you will notice that its text differs markedly from that which is shown above but the nature of their relevance remains much the same.  And they differ not because of Nostradamus but because of the nature of publications in that era.  They are from different editions of Nostradamus' Prophecies.

These differences are critical in understanding how my analyses overcomes this flaw.

The aim of my work is to show that Nostradamus' code relies on anagrams and in order to provide a credible base I therefore rely almost entirely on the use of one edition ( 1568 Benoist Rigaud first full edition). By doing this I can only under-represent any code that really exists.

To do otherwise would give me license to choose any version that fits my perceptions and thereby over represent and misrepresent any pattern findable in Nostradamus' Prophecies. To establish anagrams exist in a sixteenth century document is a difficult task that cannot ever be succesful if changing lettering on an ad hoc basis is allowed.

I use a strict set of rules for my analysis (See Webbers rules) knowing full well that it will make many possibly meaningful verses impossible to understand. My aim is not to insert meaning where there is none but to give a valid base level of patterns which is above the potential for chance occurrence. It is only when the material is above the credible bounds of chance that re-processing and corrective measures are worthwhile.

Nostradamus Verse C1 Q01 Divine presence evoked from emptinessIn the analysis of this most critical verse I intend to break my current rules and to show why I do so. The reason for this is there is a highly credible logic in the verse when the text of another version is used, a text not uniike that shown in the picture. The major variations beteen these versions are in the fourth line where the meaningless 'psperer q' becomes 'prosperer qui'. in the first line 'nuict' becomes 'nuit'. These changes deliver the anagrams, for 'centuries', 'quatreins' and 'properies' all of which could be expected in an early verse if Nostradamus' work is coded.

When treated in this way there is a modernity to the prophecy implying a deal with the Middle East that goes awry is the centrepiece to Nostradamus' work.

This verse can also be interpreted in the following manner:

Sitting alone at night in secret study, (Thinking while relaxed and alone.)
it is placed on the brass tripod. ( A Delphi-Oracle like trance is entered with eyes closed)
A slight flame comes out of the emptiness ( Bright flares appear from the depths of the mind)
making prosper that which shouldn't be believed in vain (from these the mind draws meaning,)


C1 Q01 (based largely on Bonhomme edition 1555)

Sitting alone at night in secret study.
Alone I meditate on the brass tripod.
A slight flame comes out of the solitude
Making prosper things not believed in vain

ESTANT aſsis de nuit ſecret eſtude
Seul repose ſur la ſelle d'aerain
Flambe exigue fortant de ſolitude
Fait proſperer qui neſt a croire vain

C1 Q01 Txt l3 solitude

-----!-----!--!--  ---------!--!---    -----------!---  ------!----!-----
nosTrAdamUs nostraDaMus  nostradaMus  nostRadAmus

-----------!---------  -------------------- ----------!!----- -------------------!!-

C6 Q90 L1 emptiness
----!!-------------- ------!--------- -------!---!--- ------------!--
L1:<uNSEATed teSt aSsisTed centurieS><aSsisTANT united / untied><Secret Site unaSsisTed>

L2:<rouSsel repulSe Seal a leader in><leader eSpouse Sale ruleS><uneaSier deal allureS><Sell iran pouuerleSs laSer>

L3:<blame guixe [Guise] Feud detonatorS lit><fortunate toluideS [aviation fuel from methyl benzene] be Flamed><toluideS be guixe flame>
L4:<q'(u)atre(i)ns covrier><p(ro)pertieS><via Faint p(ro)ps req(ui)re recreationS ><anceStor req(ui)re>
  1. assistant, unassisted, assisted, pouuerless, covrier, sadists
  2. untested, detonators, flamed, Papist, Escariot, corrivate,
  3. fortunate, default, assist
  4. Centuries, powerless, toluides, Seleurian, feudal,
  5. Quatreins, require, raceriot, Guixe, lunarise,
  6. unseated, neatest, raceriots,
  7. re-creations, creations / reactions, donate, alleeles, dilute, Castor / actors/ Croats,
  8. uneasier / Sauniere, inductees, attends, oldest.
  9. sporules, allures, repulse, Croat / actor,
  10. Cretans / trances,
  11. induces,
  12. vainer / ravine, secrete,
  13. Eastend, Isolde, toils, pits,
  14. afront, Soline,
  15. leperous, lamb, aeria,
  16. -
  17. fled, beam,
  18. Satans, leader / dealer, flame, dust,
  19. espouse, blame,
  20. ancestor,
  21. aleles, sides,
  22. faint,
  23. spouse, Senate.

Key Ideas:

assistant, assisted, centuries, courier, sadists, properties, corrivate, Isolde, duet, unattested, powerless, detonators, fortunate, quatreins, require, default, toluides, sporules, creations, lunarised, uneasier, trances, attends, donates, Escariot, lamb, Satans, ancestor, assists, Papists, induces, flamed, raceriots, actors, dilute, leperous, alleles, sporules, oldest, Guise.

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