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Nostradamus' Code Mechanisms for Life and Death Nuclear events
© Allan Webber October 2017, April 2020.

From the start of my work I have maintained that a major test of Nostradamus' credibility lies in his disclosure of ideas, concepts and events for which a 16th century person with no prescient ability could have adequate language to describe. And as I proceeded in my analyses of the anagrams in his prophecies the skeptical base behind my research was challenged.

At first whenever this happened I put it down to my methods being too loose. But despite constant tightening of my constraints the pattern remained. It was at this stage I began computer analysis that compared Nostradamus' results to those of other writers of his time who wrote in French, English and other languages.

What emerged was a remarkably large list of modern technology terms that are often spelt the same across a wide range of languages but of such complexity and modern origin that they had no place in any text written before the last century.

And there were two more startling facts that emerged from that early 21st century computer analysis of mine. Firstly the abundance of such terms was Logarithmic chart of anagram count v complexity  in various sourcesmany times higher than in any other writings I had chosen to examine. and secondly the range of words coincided with the topics that Nostradamus had identified as his story lines. This was true to the extent that outside those stories except for one, the number of anagrams was easily accounted for by chance alone.

The topics related to technology, medicine, modern wars, disease, astronomy, cosmology, meteorites, climate change, floods, mutations, history, philosophy and codes.

In the current Sephirot it can be seen how Nostradamus fulfilled my claims that his coding system by some as yet unknown means allowed him to build modern technological references into the 16th century language of his Prophecies.

Frequency of  prominent  & topic relevant anagrams  found in Nostradamus' Prophecies:

C1 Q47 1: positronium, uncollated, studious, Utopians, utopism, affused, 2: magistrates, enrolment, starts, images, named-star 3: instructed, particles, destruction, 4: Nostredame, spectral, adornment, introduce.

C10 Q06 1: nuclear-radiationes, denuclearisation, radionuclear, Malthusians, apparitions, travesties, dynatron, borders, 2: nuclear-ion, tornados, 3: debtors, fry, 4: quatreins, attains, 6: adornments, querist, conquer,

C2 Q01 1: equilibrants, rediscussion, antiquaries, reafforest, peninsulars, foresettle, inquiries, Britains, disagrees, Prussian, protons, disposure, 2: positrons, equipartisan, terrorist, felonry, Russian, efforts, tribunals, foresee,

C7 Q19 1: Budapests, governmental, tantalumite, columbate, availment, sanitised, valiant, personage, mutilant, 2: uueapons, radiantness, axtual, 3: factions, dissent, 4: uuant, actinides, infector.

C6 Q81 1: enrich-uranium, transitory-e, interplays, torrential, Cynosurae, tyrants, numeral, French, 2: inhumanic, Laurencium, unheroic, nuclear-ion, numeralise, numerical, afferent, maleness, illness, async, hurts, 4: Ierusalems, inhuman, cryses, 5: planetic, scruple, 6: uranic, mercy,  7: elements,

C4 Q16 1:professedly, archegony, portension, 2: reticulates, impulsed, fractile, sedately, 3: positrons, delays, Suueden, Tifaret, Aegean, 4: profiles, 5: misled, re-deploys, Sefirat, 6: centres,

C3 Q06 1: Moslem, dreadfulness, 2: placements, outreach, spells, named-star, 3: narrated, tumoured, actinides, module, 5: funerals, fouled, box, 6: befoil, 7: miserable, citadens,

C1 Q56 1: pseudonarcotic, vindicates, pedospheric, hornitos, lineations, nucleon, divinest, draft, 2: actinoids, precautions, indications, equalise, sapropelic, 3: coastline, misevent, changes, practise, 5: extremes, 6: afraid,

C6 Q76 1: ventromedial, mutafacient, inadequate, mutate, 2: impunctate, supporter, normative, sterileness, uueapons, complete, 3: prorogue, compel, temporal, couple, 5: fanatic, fetch, sunray, 7: spleen, leproma, illnesses, regroup,

C2 Q69 1: aerotechnical, acceleration, discordant, indicators, deviation, choice, conspires, 2: actinoids, inspector, prosaical, decoders, 3: Paraclet,  results 5: Madonna, necrosis, 6: Polaris, central, discord,

This particular cluster was gathered by selecting verses where nuclear terms are found. As with all my Sephirots the gathering of ten verses using a cipher brings awareness of links between the verses (and their texts) that have never before been seen. If in seeing these words emerge for the first time you gasp in disbelief that that such anagrams exist you are not the first for I too am still astounded and challenged by their being present.

And I place this Sephirot here because it illustrates with perfection all the aspects of code presented so far and provides a watershed to the story lines that are to come.

In the frequency table for the verses in this Sephirot (shown alongside) it is not only easy to pick out the modern tone of nuclear related events but it is also apparent that each verse gathers together rational collections of terms that fit within a nuclear story line. In doing this they indicate stories which later Sephirots will not only amplify but unify with each of the stories in the other verses. Often they already do it within the other verses in this cluster.

And none of this done in a trivial manner making it more difficult to dismiss their presence.

C10 Q06
Sardon Nemans will flood so high,
Sardon Nemans si hault desborderont,

They will think Deucalion is reborn.
Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaistre.
Quatreins on radionuclear denuclearisation

In the collossus the greater part will flee,

Dans le collosse la plus part fuyront,

Vesta's fire appears extinguished in the tomb.
Vesta sepulchre feu estaint apparoistre

For example the presence of modern words in Nostradamus is easily established by their appearing in this cluster. There are words, terms and phrases such as radio-nuclear (1), denuclearisation (1), destruction (3) particles (3), spectral (5) lines, positronium (1), positron/s (2/3), nucleon (1), actinides (4), actinoid/s (2), columbate (1), tantalumite (1), nuclear-ion (2), dynatron (1) and enrich-uranium (1). These are clearly modern and equally clearly relate to terms we use in discussing nuclear topics.

But then we have countries, disputes, debates, discords and dissent giving a unified assessment of the mood of the European nations involved.

There is also the theme of illness running through the cluster with specific details given of those afflicted and the nature of their ailments. They tend to be cancerous illnesses of the type associated with nuclear radiation.

Together with these factors we have ones that narrate the environment and the events of named stars that allow a precise date to be given and this date fits with stories about floods and the turning of the Pole Star in the year 2100CE.

Also in the text  of verse C10 Q06 we can readily see Nostradamus' use of allusion in order to place hints of the nature of the anagrams.

The Greeks associated Deucalion the son of Prometheus with vast floods. Vesta's fire was linked to the eternal fire that the Greeks thought Prometheus bestowed on humans as a gift. Such classical names can act not only as allusion but an indicator of the generational time scale between flood and fire events. Eternal fire is an appropriate description of radioactive elements. This device of strong allusions linked to anagrams is most frequent and most potent in verses holding anagrams outside Nostradamus' 16th century culture as will be apparent in upcoming Sephirots.

The above are not the full extent of the unifying features in this Sephirot.

As part of the environmental setting there are distinctive anagrams in C1 Q56 for coastline, sapropelic, pedospheric and hornitos which are terms applicable to organic decay in layers created along shore-lines, the top soil of land and structures found near volcanoes.

This verse is also tied to this cluster's main theme ciphers through the use of the anagram actinides which is the structural group of elements within which the main radioactive elements lie. So the Deucalion and Vesta's fire allusions point to  the modern era floods that are such a significant part of Nostradamus' prophecies. It suggests a twenty to forty year gap between a nuclear event and the onset of the great floods. This will be seen to match the date settings given in different ways in later Sephirots.

Yet none of the above relies on simple words nor are they frequent as is shown by each anagram's complexity and the total number of occurrences (in brackets) the inverse of which determines their rarity. In these ten verses many of the anagrams have adjacency. In addition they often conform to phrasing in the text although such descriptions are less precise since that content was there to be read by people as far back as the sixteenth century.

C7 Q19
The fort at Nicea won't engage in combat,
Le fort Nicene ne Sera combatu
columbate infector

it will be overcome by shining metal.
Vaincu Sera par rutilant metal

This deed will be debated for a long time,
Son faict Sera vn long temps de batu
Budapests governmental factions

strange and fearful for the citizens.
ux citadins eStrange eSpouuantal..

 axtual uueapons actinides generates radiantness

1: Budapests, governmental, tantalumite, columbate, availment, sanitised, valiant, personage, mutilant, 2: uueapons, radiantness, axtual, 3: factions, dissent, 4: uuant, actinides, infector.

Verse C7 Q19 demonstrates a great many aspects of the above in a quite remarkable and spectacular manner. For much of the last five hundred years it has been apparent to people that Nostradamus is describing a future military based technology but without the anagrams it is impossible to build a precise picture of event, time or place.

The third line of text is a good starting point for showing the power of anagrams to this verse; it relates to a deed that will be debated for a long time. The lettering of the selected line produces three extraordinarily strong anagrams giving location, institution and agency. These three words are Budapests, governmental and factions.The three of them take up all the letters and are adjacent so what we get from  Son faict Sera vn long temps de batu when reading from right to left is Budapest's governmental factions (onfaictS eravnlongtem psdebatuS).

There can be no doubt that debate over weaponry is a proper activity for such people. There can also be no doubt that the lettering which generates them is not reliant on trivial theft from the groupings of letters in the text.

What caused people to conclude that this verse is about future weaponry? It is probably the mention of a fort that is overwhelmePlutonium a fearful and strange shiny metald by a shining metal which is strange and fearful to the people living in that place.

There is no direct reference to a weapon in the text yet there is an anagram for weapons in the anagrams where the letter w is formed from  the letters uu. This one of the few amendments I make to Nostradamus' lettering and I do it consistently since that letter was not a functional part of the French 16th century alphabet.

This anagram appears in the fourth line (see table on left). In that same line there is an anagram for actinides the name for the series of metals holding the most prominent radioactive elements. All its members are radioactive but Uranium, Plutonium and Thorium are the most well known. They are all shiny metals capable of striking fear into any populace.

It is apparent that internal ties are so strong they radically diminish the possibility the anagrams are there by chance alone.

There is a further aspect of conformity that plays a part in determining the credibility of anagrams. It relates to word groups using related terms which only appear together in that verse.

The conformity aspect is illustrated by columbate & tantalumite in verse C7 Q19 for they relate to a mineral source of importance to the nuclear industry. The two names are interchangeable  and yet appear in two lines of the same verse. Significantly there are no other occurrences of either in any other verse. They too are shiny metals that play an important role in modern nuclear activities.

Their existence cannot be denied and this leaves an almost impossible puzzle. How could they be there at all? How could a sixteenth century personage have had access to such precise terminology? By what means could links that are quite visible have been built into the verses by chance alone?

I believe the evidence I produce shows Nostradamus' Prophecies do include many stories from 21st century technology and beyond. I am also convinced the answers to their origin etc are contained in part in Nostradamus' Preface and Epistle but although those answers involve processes known for many millennia and understood only since the 18th century they relate to capacities in the universe that are only in the earliest stages of evolution. These matters will be discussed as the story lines are presented via the Sephirots that follow.

The story of the danger from nuclear weapons is a current issue and eerily this analysis by the means of Sephirots covers its range despite my original analyses of this topic having been performed nearly twenty years ago. The material included in this paper makes up the backbone of many of my earlier papers all of which are accessible at Through several other papers at this site I also try to answer the puzzles arising from my analyses. 

To see all Sephirots on my site Sefirot button click here for all Sephirots

Access to the individual verses and the original paper where these analyses first appeared can be gained via the links below

Nuclear C1 Q47 C10 Q06 C2 Q01 C7 Q19 C6 Q81 C4 Q16 C3 Q06 C1 Q56 C6 Q76 C2 Q69

Nostradamus- Nuclear Weapons Sefirot 'Tree of Death'






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