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Nostradamus C10 Q99: The inhumanity of Earthmen revealed as leaders order chemical attacks on their citizens.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 10 Quatrain 99 This  verse nearmost to the finale describes the devastation to all life on this plant when our species engages in a battle they cannot win (carrhae)  in an attempt  to diminish the impact of a new species.This  verse nearmost to the finale describes the devastation to all life on this planet when our species engages in a battle they cannot win (carrhae)  in an attempt  to diminish the impact of a new more advanced species than ours.


The text sounds like a decription of the demise of many animal species and the privations causing others to react in an abnormal manner. One of the anagram sequences says  identism Nostradame (ns Timide -dama ſeront) which introduces a modernistic philosophical basis to his own understanding of identity in a future world, a theme that gives this verse's text its peculiar feel.


It is then explicable as the relation between different survival-types when their minds are able to be read by other creatures.


Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Boleyn final lonely pulley on bony flute
2. Nostradame misedit neumaticist semantic neumatics
3. Carrhae area ensepulchre Lunes uses lax code-manual
4. Evangelistic clan genetical misplants Xmas vigils scouted
The end of wolf, lion, ox and ass,
Timid deer they will be with mastiffs:
No longer will the sweet manna fall upon them,
More vigilance and watch for the mastiffs.
La fin le loup le lyon beuf et l'asne
Timide dama ſeront auec maſtins
Plus ne cherra a eux la douce manne
Plus vigilance et cuſtode aux maſtins.
  1. <~bone flute Lanes leo final pulley~><ebony flute><sulfate be finaL lonely><boleyn flute><felt sane>
  2. <noStradame misedit neumaticS><~at dim reaSon neumaTiciSts made~><dead inTimist [materialises the intimate]> Semantic idenTism [Scheeling's equality of matter and mind]
  3. <carrhae [battle]><ensePulchre neman [German river goddess] area><lax manucode [ Bird of Paradise] ><anne ensePulchre>
  4. <evangelistic Scout>.<xmaS unsPlit / unsPilt>genetical angelic misPlants
1: EVANGELISTIC, CODEMANUAL, MISPLANTS, GENETICAL,   IDENTISM.  neumaticists, intimist, unspilt, XMAS, unsplit,  bony, SULFATE,  
2: VIGILANCE, igilance, neumatics, semantics, ebony, diadem,   3:  ENSEPULCHRE, ANGELIC, BOLEYN,  manucode, semantic, misedit,  4: benu,
5: NOSTRADAME, TIMID, PULLEY, ptisans  6: bolyn, nobly, NEMEAN, CETUS,   7: FLUTE scam,   8: LONELY,     9: -    10: -  11: CARRHAE, LAX,  12: -   13: neman,   14: load,   15: -  16: NEARMOST, FINALE,  scout,   17:  ALIGN, ADAM,
18: leanest, final,
19: acute, felt, left,
20: mast, mast, spin, died,
21: ousted, elfin,
22: -
23: hence,

timid, AnneBoleyn, ebony, flute, neumaticist, neumatics, Nostradame, misedits, evangelistic, carrhae, intimist, misplants, align, genetical, identism, semantic, sulfate, acute, scam, ensepulchre, lonely, angelic, pulley, final, load.


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