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Nostradamus C9 Q75: Paraclete's role in dealing with the scourge of the nuclear age
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

Paraclete: According to Trinitarian doctrine, the Paraclete or Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who among other things provides guidance, consolation, strength, and support to people. Other titles for the Holy Spirit include 'Spirit of Truth', Lightful Spirit of God Almighty, Holy Breath, Almighty Breath, Giver of Life, Lord of Grace, Helper, 'Comforter', 'Counselor' and 'Supporter'....Paraclete in Wikipedia

Nostradamus guide in his 1558 Epistle to Henry about Holy GhostThe Praclete verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesVerse C9 Q75 is paired with C5 Q06 in this series on the Paraclete because both expand on the roles of the Holy Spirit in Biblical stories describing the events surrounding Christ's death.

This verse is part of Nostradamus' theme based on aspects of the Paraclete; it is the story of people gifted in the power of speech who hold great influence over the Christian Church. It links to the past and the future with this verse giving preliminary hints that the Paraclete to come holds sway over the modern scourges whose fateful effects emerge later in this century.

This Paraclete (L3:  la  Trace P) theme is backed by rare anagrams such as teacher (L1: e Thrace), thread  (L1: de Thra) and called Abram deputiex (ace Del l ' Ambra_xie et du p ) since in the story in Genesis God speaks to the man called Abram (which means 'elevated leader' ) and sets out the mission Abram is to serve. After this meeting with the Holy Spirit, Abram  took the name Abraham meaning 'leader of the multitude.' From this base its context can be easily correlated to the theme of the text and resolves much of the obscurity in that part of the prophecy.

Nostradamus centuries 9 quatrain 75 Paraclete Abram deathrays papule scourges metallic sourcesAt the same time the anagrams convey the sense of metallic poisoning that from other related verses can be tied to nuclear effects of space sourced objects.

Deathrays, scourges, nucleate Earth days, metal sources, ulcerous  and papule are all to be found in this verse's collection of rare anagrams. The other verses where they appear carry strong links to the same theme but provide different aspects necessary to neatly complement the 'modern radiation from asteroids' story line.

From Ambracia and the country of Thrace
People by sea, evil and help from the Gauls:
In Provence the perpetual trace,
With vestiges of their custom and laws.
Del l'Ambraxie et du pays de Thrace
Peuple par mer mal et ſecours Gaulois
Perpetuelle en Prouence la trace
Auec vestiges de leur couſtume et loix.
  1. <The days Abram exited up recalleD><reacheD up exited mAll bar sTeady><dyes update cHart><exited The race days up><days earTh deputixe Abram><haTred / Thread pays><deathraYs up><arch sTayed up>
  2. <metalS sPoil rearm papule scourGe> <latecomerS remap auGurs oils> <metal Sources prearm><~louisa scourGe metalS peel-upper-arm~>
  3. <peter Paraclete><counterPlea><Proue accelerant ><clean Pouer react> <per ounce Peace alter><nucleate race><nuclear-(r)eactor><perpetu-ate race><eludes courts>
  4. <excusAtive oil cruel edges meet> <its edges ulcerouS><its ledges muSt couuer><cuStom-er eludes g(u)ides a-executives lot><digest [compact version]>
1: excusative, latecomers, accelerant, deathrays, recalled, digest, stayed, steady, exited,
2: counterplea, scourges,
3: Paraclete, deputixe, nucleate, charted, scourge, threads, Rugosa, update, hatred / thread, Abram,
4: Trencauel, Prouence, teacher, augurs, peace,
5: Maltese, papule, Euterpe, must,
6: ulcerous, central, reached, evicts, ledges, spoil, Gauls, reopen, days,
7: courts, arched, Aeced,
8: Peplus,
9: mall,
10: crouus, corule,
11: mutes,
12: metals,
13: crouu, oilx,
14: chart,
15: carpet, cartel / claret, lamb, pays,
16: coutures, scout,
17: dyes,
18: ounce, Earth / heart / Thera,
19: lancet, repute,
20: sources, cauxe.
21: -
22: -
23: -

excusative, latecomers, accelerant, deathrays, recalled, digest, stayed, steady, exited, counterplea, scourges, Paraclete, deputises, nucleate, charted, scourge, threads, Rugosa, update, thread, Abram, Trencavel, Provence, teacher, augurs, peace,  Maltese, papule, Euterpe, must, ulcerous, central, reached, evicts, ledges, spoil, Gauls, reopen, days, courts, arched, Aleced, Peplus, mall, crows, corule, mutes, metals, oils, chart, carpet, cartel, lamb, pays, coutures, scout, dyes, ounce, Earth, lancet, repute, sources, causes.


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