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Nostradamus C9 Q28: Pannonian war results in devastation of Western allies forces.
Copyright - A. Webber 2015, Mar 2023

The Pannonian verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesBarren Lady & family wars Africa Conspiracy Three sects PannoniaThe  fourth line of text of this verse uses the term devastation while the anagrams include one for carrhae (archer a). This latter term refers to battles that are unexpectedly lost and this carrhae is therefor relevant to the scene in the text of military devastation where a stronghold falls.  In the quote alongside  and the verse Sicily is named as a port which suggests a link between the two since that island is mentioned in the last line of the text of this verse.

These terms are also appropriate because the devastation mentioned in the text comes from military action of a fleet and army of Western allies set out from the port of Marseilles and use Adriatic ports to then engage in war with invaders of Pannonia.  Pannonia plus the fleet and the ports therefore links this verse to the story of the Barren Lady's family wars since that states their forces extend towards the east where in the Pannonias they will succumb and die. And by sea the navy will extend to Adriatic Italy. Both verse and quote mention Sicily with the former naming it as the place of devastation and the latter implying it is the place in which the fleet sought refuge after landing the armies upon the Northern Adriatic coast.

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C9 Q28 Allied fleeet Marseille against Pannonias Islamist Petrol devastationAmongst the anagrams there are ones that give detail to this war. This includes localities (t a Socile Li), place (acle p) and Islam(ist) petrol oil (le port -t Maſſili - oli).

There is also a cluster of anagrams that imply the devastation is caused by vulcanic chemicals.
Orpiments (nise port m) is included in this cluster together with smelly place (lle Sym_acle p), cuprous (urs coup) and glouu (u goul). Orpiment refers to a vulcanic orange-yellow arsenic sulfide mineral product whose content can be weaponised or cause localised devastation at the time of an eruption or flow.


Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

oil smelly place petrol port Islamist moralists oil woke
Voille Symacle port Maſſiliolique

naiveness pioneers impersonate archer
Dans Venise port marcher aux Pannons

Part dirt glow foul reef reinfest Sun[n]is ill query equip
Partir du goulfre et ſinus Illirique

savants social localities oscillates guile producess ocean vast coast
Vaſt a Socile Ligurs coups de canons.
The Allied fleet from the port of Marseilles,
In Venice harbor to march against Hungary.
To leave from the gulf and the bay of Illyria,
Devastation in Sicily, for the Ligurians, cannon shots.
Voille Symacle port Maſſiliolique
Dans Venise port marcher aux Pannons
Partir du goulfre et ſinus Illirique
Vaſt a Socile Ligurs coups de canons.
L1: <~moralists ivoque place my oil sell ~><islams petrol oil><~or ivoqe place my islamist oil sell~><smelly camel port><isils temporal oil> uvoqe olive

L2: <reach responsive mart><imposter carrhae(battle)><impersonate archer><uxa pan archer orpiments><dons naiveness><archer permeations dons vans><rematch pioneers><veins and pores><march era pointers><imprecators(damners) hear> pensive vainness sperm sandn

L3: <pirate units ills refuel gourd><foul drug entries><art equip><turgid fouler rape><reunites foul ills> reinfest freest part isil steer

L4: <vast social corpus guile><produces-scan><localises on vast ocean><uglier coasts lie><ocean societal vans><decans vasson localities><unspaced avons><savants ocean> oscillates cuprous
1: imprecators, localities, oscillates, responsive, moralists, orpiments, Islamist, Calisto, smelly,
2: protensive, atropisms,pectoral, localise, savants,  social, coasts, Islams / missal,
3: oscillate, temporal, naiveness, unspaced, vainness, cuprous, rematch,
4: impersonate, permeations / spermeation, spermation, societal, pioneers, turgid, loqi,
5: imposter, coups,
6: reinfest, reunites, pensive / vespine,
7: Sigur,
8: corpus, canons, pseudo,
9: -
10: Coruus, crouus, linus, sinus,
11: pointers / proteins, deacons, carrhae, ecoli, units, calm, Mays,
12: uglier, canon, coast, Clio, vast, mass,
13: ocean,
14: sonance, petrol, foul, dirt,
15: quiper,
16: charmer, marcher, ascend / dances / decans, amiss / missa, dupes, Iove,
17: olive,
18: refuel, freest,
19: guile,
20: mast,
21: vans (2 x),
22: camel, place, ills,
23: mortar.

Key Ideas:

localities, oscillates, moralists, smelly, orpiments, Islamist, localise, savants, social coasts, Islams, temporal naiveness, impersonate, societal, pioneers, turgid, imposter, reinfest, corpus, uglier, coast, vast, ocean, mass, dirt, foul, petrol.

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