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Nostradamus C8 Q63: Under a harsh regime adultery is rated worse than murder
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Mar 2013


 Nostradamus Centuries 8 Quatrain 63 This verse suggests the value sytems of the East provide a more receptive environment for non-institutionally-approved experimentation at a time when great floods have drowned the major cities of the world. Its anagrams contain names for stars vital to  resetting the celestial movements of objects relative to our planet.This verse suggests the value sytems of the East provide a more receptive environment for non-institutionally-approved experimentation at a time when great floods have drowned the major cities of the world.


Its anagrams contain names for stars vital to  resetting the celestial movements of objects relative to our planet.


Anagrams giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Aquan adult treble seas quadrantal oceans up
2. Aprils predatism permits dry flame meet life
3. Fear same feral frame moves meme as melee enflame entrants strange test
4. If chupatti prints-essez foetus to suffer Persians priests spite
When the adulterer wounded without a blow
has murdered his wife and son out of spite;
his wife knocked down he strangles the child
eight captives taken, choked beyond help.
Quant l'adultere bleſſe ſans coup aura
Merdry la femme et le filz par deſpit
Femme aſſoumee l'enfant eſtranglera
Huit captifz prins s'eſtouffer ſans respit.
L1: <an adult bestseller><rebels coups><adulteress enables><aqua seas> quaran canopus quadrantal pauu treble natal baseless quantal blesses eber aquan

L2: <fame despair><dry flame permits><female meet life><time left> aprilz lay predatism spread elzif fleet lifelet striped lyra spared mem alef felt lifez

L3: <strangler same fame><as mouse><fasten element> treats fear melee frame emenel mem emma enfants

L4: <safer foetus><to suffer persians><spite if chupatti(unleavened><bread) prizness oust> pith rareness stripes priests priest indian fit fitz

1: QUADRANTAL, PITH, CANOPUS, PREDATISM, BASELESS., chupatti, APRILZ, BESTSELLER,  2: APPRISED, STRANGLER, PERMITS, PRIESTS, SUFFER,    3: MELEE, distemper,   4: -    5:  FASTEN, quantal, blesses, coups,   6: apzift, enfants, lifez,  7: striped, RARENESS,  8: ENTRANTS, PAUU, TREBLE, DESPAIR,  9: -  10: PERMIT,  11: LYRA, mouse, ,12: FRAME, DRY,  REBELS, FLEET, Quaran,   13: prides, pits   14: EMPTIES,  15: PERSIANS,   16: respans, aqua,   17: ADULT,   18: FLAME, scans,
19: felt / left,
20: strangle, spied, hut,
21: Emma,
22: bless, rebel.
23: -

quadrantal, chupatti, predatism, bestseller, Canopus, baseless, Aprilz, pith, strangler, apprised, permits, lifelet, priests, suffer, distemper, melee, Anglaterres, quantal, blesses, coups, fasten, fits, enfants, lifes, striped, rareness, entrants, despair, treble, paw, permit, mouse,  Quaran, rebels, frame, fleet, dry, prides, pits, empties, Persians, respans, aqua, adult, flame, scans, felt, strangle, spied, hut, Emma, bless, rebel.

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