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Nostradamus C8 Q50: The dating of critical flood events relies on ciphers for the Seagods.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 8 Quatrain 50  Plague Famine Pestilence deadborn deuteron Palestine Dreadnaught fartherance Belarusia guarantee   Anagrams for Dreadnaught (ship) and Seagods impress a message re the dating of modern day flood events wherein deuterons lead to death of those not yet born.

The anagrams of use in resolving this verse include:

1. Palestine client counterplead ill deuteron
2. Past nature events after Seagods ages impressed on papers
3. Belarusia tabularise bearded-star bears-tail Bonnes ill lines leech deadborn alive
4. Hunted Dreadnaught frees fear after fartherance alters latest guarantees
The plague around Capellades,
another famine is near to Sagunto;
the knightly bastard of the good old man
will cause the great one of Tunis to lose his head
La peſtilence l'entour de Capadille
Vn autre faim pres de Sagont s'appreſte
Le cheualier baſtard de bon ſenille
Au grand de Thunes fera trancher la teſte.
L1: <palestine><clienteles countered><counterplead><alpille><allied splenetical(illhumored)> penalties plates pelates cured educator toluene lille epistle detour dial list deuteron tudor dilent elapse pastel pestilence allel

L2: <after primes><papers impressed><postpagan nature revests><prevents seagods> edessa afire priam veterans aim fear past pamiers impresa redseas gaston runestave vestean sperm uvant steer

L3: <bear star bonded lines><baser dart disennoble><ill leech> belarusia traded bone subaerial deadborn rabelaius bearstail raisable tabularise lille dread bars rabelais boarded barest beardedstar serbia ariel traded elarabi

L4: <tale set dreadnaught><frees huntedafter rancher enthused><guarantees later chanter fears> narrate fenestra ungraded state tranche faster fartherance frater enarch estate het nuh latest enfuse argue

1: counterplead, beardedstar, tabularise, bearstail, impressed, seagods, disennoble, bonded,
2: Dreadnaught, splenetical, fartherance, countered, clientele, deadborn, educator, enthused, raisable, boarded, Elarabi, rancher, Bonnes, boded,
3: Belarusia, Rabelaius, subaerial, prevents, narrate, hunt,
4: clienteles, guarantees, Alpille, toluene, allied, caped, apace,
5: lenticels, penalties / Palestine, runestave, Ecuador, gaston,
6: pestilence, veterans,
7: charnel,
8: -
9: splenetic, fenestra, epistle, plates / pastel, Priam, rafter, dial / laid,
10: -,
11: events, vents,
12: deuteron, darted / traded, barest / breast, vaunt / uvant, bones,
13: latest, crude /cured,
14: clients, enfuse, estate,
15: faster, lille (2x),
16: chanter / tranche, client, sperm, pad,
17: rotund, Serbia,
18: -
19: Pamiers, primes, elapse / please, Edessa,
20: hut,
21: pressed, list.
22: -
23: -

counterplead, beardedstar, disennoble, tabularise, bearstail, impressed, seagods, bonded, Dreadnaught, splenetical, fartherance, countered, clientele, deadborn, educator, enthused, raisable, boarded, Elarabi, rancher, Bonnes, boded, Belarusia, subaerial, prevents, narrate, hunt, clienteles, guarantees, Alpille, toluene, allied, caped, apace, lenticels, Palestine, runestave, Ecuador, pestilence, veterans, charnel, splenetic, fenestra, epistle, plates , Priam, rafter, laid, events, vents, deuteron, traded, barest, want, bones, latest, cured, clients, enfuse, estate, faster, Lille , chanter, sperm, pad, rotund, Serbia, Pamiers, primes, please, Edessa, hut, pressed, list.


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