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Nostradamus C3 Q91: The secret story concealed by the last Templar master.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C3 Q91 This verse uses the burning of the last Grand Master of the Templars to highlight the troubles facing future heretics who believe they are of Christ's line. In March 1314 Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar was burnt to death on an island in the Seine river. This verse deals with the revival of interest in this secret order based on the discovery of inscriptions on central arches which it will be claimed were made by Molay after being imprisoned in 1307.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Archrebels quest quotes patriots Templar-song on polar storms
2. Venus rue direr DNA inductive area deriue
3. Molay recipiend teaches malady encroach despite epic dates
4. Men fear fires detain incorrodible noble ovaries
The tree which had long been dead & withered
In one night it will come to grow green again
The Cronian King sick Prince with club foot,
Feared by his enemies he makes his sail bound.
L'arbre qu'eſtoit par long temps mort ſeche
Dans vne nuict viendra a reuerdir
Cron Roy malade Prince pied eſtache
Criant d'ennemis fera voile bondir
L1: <it quoteS archrebel><Sect herbaL request><it quoteS polar barrel> <bar queer patriotS> <hectorS barreL> <heracLeS storm> chest

L2:<inductive runa-reader> <driuer area derivant>

L3: <molay Paired centroaRCh eSpied><Paired CorneR detacheS /Secthead molay epic><molay CRoon each deSpite Prince ><CoRoner detacheS malady> <Pride deSpite Mayoral enCroach> <Paired almonRy> <dateS in Pre-malady piece>

L4: <aver inCorrodible trained> <nordiC ova trained firemens bile><variole (shallow pit-smallpox) bond>
1: archrebels, incorrodible, patriots, pyramidale, inductive, mayoral, recipiend, firemens, malady,
2: runareader, trochees, Hectors (2x), almonry, coroner, piece,
3: encroach, herbal,
4: recatches, catchers, Nordic, etches,
5: catches / cachets / scathed, variole, nobled, Molay,
6: detaches / secthead, cachet, quotes,
7: despite, invect, Mayor / moray, corner, barrel,
8: centroarch, Serafim, request, storms, bond,
9: Chelsea, teaches, quest, radar,
10: patrol / portal, espied,
11: Heracles,
12: chest,
13: evict, ennui, direr / drier,
14: drains, paled,
15: paired,
16: deriue, epic,
17: detain, olive,
18: -
19: noble,
20: Chesel, sector, fires,
21: derivant, cheats / chaste / scathe / scheat, chats, vans,
22: Rachel, cheat / teach, pride.
23: -

 archrebels, incorrodible, patriots, pyramidale, inductive, Molay, etches, Nordic, epic, runareader, corner, barrel, centroarch, Hectors, portal, quotes, Heracles, despite, storms, espied, almonry, mayoral, recipiend, catches, firemens, variole, malady, coroner, herbal, piece, encroach, Mayor, request, bond, Serafim, ennui, drains, noble, direr, fires, derivant, sector, teach, pride.


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