Nostradamus C3 Q69: Father and son settle with their nemesis over a pollution war.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015
Underlying this verse is the secret tale of a war
started over pollution of the oceans. The pollution is by methanol and the
fires it that follow from it while the war is one led by a heroic figure
whose father will be part of that war. This parent will be responsible for
achieving his sons release, the liberation of their armies and a treaty
between them and their greatest nemesis but in the modern setting the
nemesis is Islam while the people having most influence on his fate are
the women that surround the father.
Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:
1. Danger exocentric conceit noticed induct part Jove uuence argue
2. Divineress rare missive maidens sensed nemesis render USA main aim
3. My pouuer-came Islam
misvalue evil ill art Tanya due
4. Telamon
ancestors asterisms resonate fear reach a molten
oceans stream
the virgin goddess of the Hunt, the Moon, maidens, virginity,
childbirth, animals, wildlife, hills, and "The Guardian of Children".
A Greek warrior hero who together with several of his sons
(borne from
different mothers) fought in the Trojan War.
C3 Q69
Original Verse in English and French (Benoit Ed.)
The great army led by a young man, Surrenders itself
into hands of his enemies But the old one born to the half-pig,
He will cause Chalon and Macon to be friends.
Grand exercite conduict par jouuenceau Se viendra rendre aux
mains des ennemis Mais le vieillart nay au demy pourceau Fera
Chalon et Maſcon eſtre amis.
Adjacent Anagrams plus Anagrams of highest
( ~ means full line
Selection Order based on letter
rarity, word and sequence length plus line completion
L1: <exocentric danGer><part j ouue counted
ic (to) ci rex
danger><pict eduction><Grand reexcite> arGue conceit noticed pact
L2: <a divinereSs render uxa aim maidens end men seed>
<needs mines variedneSs render uxa aim><invader nemeSis render uxa
main needs><uxa maidens render a nemeSis driven><rare Seism envied>
L3: <any ill art><recoup my due><Misvalue a cure><any literal aiMs
evil / vile / veil >islaM veils
L4: <~oceanS Methanol Stream is
FarCe~><once aSterisms (Meant fear / taMe halo Farce)> <monaSteries
note ScaM Farce><telaMon (father of Ajax) / Meton anceStorS
reaCh><anceStorS aim Free a Molten arCH><once maSter Fires><eaStern /
neareSt MaScot alone ChaFer aims><armies ><Fear enterS aims>
Table listing anagram occurrences (1-23) in
Nostradamus' Prophecies
1: practice-introduce, emissive, exocentric, methanol, misvalue,
missive, 2: divineress, alchornea, 3: monasteries, Telamon,
4: conceit, mascot, halo, 5: noticed, counted, 6:
variedness, ancestors, 7: reexcite, Tanya, scam, 8: incocted,
eduction, Serafim, chafer, 9: asterism, endx, 10:
resonate, 11: - 12: neuu, 13: enstream, induct, literal,
molten, 14: Artemis, 15: nemesis, oceans, farce, 16:
maidens, sensed, 17: amuxe, 18: mates / teams, sends, 19:
reiect / recite, 20: Islam, alone, fires, mast, 21: - 22:
recoup, master / stream, 23: Sefira.
Key Ideas:
practice-introduce, exocentric, methanol, monasteries,
misvalue, divineress, missive, Artemis, noticed, Telamon, conceit,
counted, ancestors, variedness, mascot, halo, reexcite, Tanya, scam,
incocted, literal, Serafim, asterism, resonate, new, molten, nemesis,
oceans, maidens, farce, sensed, amuse, Islam, fires, asends, Sefira,