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Nostradamus C2 Q86: Nostradamus' life paper uses Mahommetan emblems for places impacted by a shift in the Earth's axis
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

The Axis shift verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesNostradamus guide in his 1558 Epistle to Henry about an event that shakes the Earth's axisThis verse has the unusual distinction of containing a split anagram for Nostradamus given name Michel Nostredame (ndre a...t commis L'He). It is the only occurrence in the Prophecies and it occurs in the fourth line which talks of a Herald surrendering himself to the announcement of his own name. By implication the announcement involves a major event with huge implications for mankind. The text points to such an event through its description. For instance the second line says Land trembles, stirred up on the air then put back on land. What makes this even more unusual is that the only anagram for seismometric (ier eſt commis), the modern term for events of this type, occurs in the fourth line

These features stamp it as a special verse meant to tie his prophecies to the guidelines in his Epistle. There is a verse that holds anagrams for the prominent features provided by this quote. These terms include Epistles, Eclipses and seismometer with the latter being a device for measuring earth shaking events. The verse is C4 Q31  and it is the cohesive qualities to this topic that is the basis I use to pair them  (as shown in the Axis Shift verse list at top right). 

Nostradamus centuries 2 quatrain 86 Nostradamus verse making him the herald of 21stC axis shiftOverwhelmingly I rely on complete anagrams not those that are split but most names are not under the scrutiny that the names of those engaged in the production of these prophecies are under. It is implicit in the fourth line of C2 Q86 that the herald is the keeper of a secret making it necessary for Nostradamus to add a level of difficulty when entering his own name or other persons intimately involved..

This choice like the very few I make is applied in all cases once a base has been established.  Under my rules the main key to decoding relies on full anagrams supported by the meanings in that verses text and anagrams.

In general I present material that fits to these rules however the rules are mine not directly those of Nostradamus. There is no doubt that license must eventually be given to reading verses distorted by the process of publication but license is a last resort in my analyses. This verse has several places where I have broken my own rules and I do so because of the close connection the keys have to Nostradamus' life and interests.  

Many of Nostradamus' Prophecies talk of the earth trembling and of comets. The second line of this verse holds both these events and suggests one follows the other with the land being shaken by objects from the sky hitting the land. The anagrams in the fourth line reinforce this essential detail. One of them only occurs here and its aptness to a state of trembling is not only apparent but very modern in its application to events causing the earth to shake. There is also a distinctive anagram for comets (eſt com) which ties neatly and correctly into a theme known to interest Nostradamus.

DATA section

C2 Q86

Wreck for the fleet near the Adriatic Sea:
The land trembles stirred up upon the air placed on land
Egypt trembles Mahometan increase,
The Herald surrendering himself is appointed to cry out

Naufrage a claſſe pres d'onde Hadriatique
La terre tremble eſmeue ſus l'air en terre mis
Egypte tremble augment Mahometique
L'Herault ſoy rendre a crier eſt commis.

  1.  <aquitaiNe reSponded Hard><rafuNa age Handed on quiet air ScaleS><uNique Head ponderS triad ScaleS><i endorsed Hard aNtique><~Head ponders arid ScaleS it uuaqen far age~><quite arid><age urfa lapSeS>

  2. <isLam reenter ails><israel uSe muSe><terrestriaL emblems><reaLism neutraliser><alTer meter><realist uSes>

  3. <quiet meter Meant Egypt home><blame Egypt tree><Egypt meter quite Mahometen><mutagen oMah emit /time>atrembleE

  4. <Michel-Nostredames Story carrieS><eSoteric layoutS><carried Secret><earthLy-Soul commits><misHraeL cometS><Story end Seismometric care(e)r ><mmi (2001 /1999) Sector>
1: Michel-Nostredame (split), earthly-soul, responded, recarried, siesmometric, layouts, handed,
2: sodden,
3: neutraliser, meterable, Aquitane / inaquate, commit, endorsed, anthem,
4: terrestial, tempter, Egypt, mutagen, presses,
5: neutralise, Elamites, esoteric, lunarise, ,
6: Aquitaine, Mahomet, resemble, comets,
7: Saturniel, Rafuna, math, aneuu / uuane,
8: retailers, Homam, home, type,
9: yonder, Omah,
10: ponders / respond, deposer, troys / story, cage,
11: atremble, retries / retires, radia,
12: racier, lust,
13: reblame, retreat, melees, liars, hard, IMM / MMI,
14: realism, reliant, uuaqen,Troyes, rimer,
15: entrails / latrines, heard,
16: saltire / realist,
17: lost,
18: repasses, trainee, triad, Sauls, crier,
19: blame,
20: sector, Islam, head,
21: pressed,
22: had,
23: -,

Key Ideas:

Mishrael comets, Michel-Nostredame, earthly-soul, responded, recarried, siesmometric, layouts, handed, Mahometen, terrestrial, emblems, commits, Egypt, esoteric, Elamites, story, Rafuna, ponders, resemble, math, liars, carried, retreat, Saul's, realism, trainee, blame, Islam, sector.




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