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Nostradamus C2 Q65: Impact of the Polar Axis shift calamity on world geography
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

Nostradamus guide in his 1558 Epistle to Henry [HEE7] about calamitous eventsThe Calamitous events verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesVerse C2 Q65 is one of those referenced by Nostradamus as part of his major story lines. This is achieved by it being one of those that uses a form of the focus word calamitous from his 1558 Henry Epistle. In this verse's first line of text it says The sloping park great calamity. The first part of that line aligns it with the story of the Polar axis shift with newly sloping ground being a likely effect from any large asteroid strike.

The other lines of text confirms the above time link through fire in the ship, plague captivity and Mercury in the Arc all of which carry the tonality of fiery disaster affecting  the Earth's climatic and physical environment.

One cluster in the anagrams highlights a critical aspect about the purpose of this verse; calendar (rande cal), calendaring (lin grande ca) and tide-almanac together with American- land (rande calami) and Leningrad (lin grande) may well imply the base locations for translating the star images after the axis shift alters our once immutable view of the stars. But in placing theose two sites within the first line's lettering Nostradamus may well be stating they are the two places or nations most impacted.

The verse also holds a rare anagram for 'sphere' and its allusion in the first line also fits loosely to the context of the stars below the horizon.

Nostradamus centuries 2 quatrain 65  CalamitySphere Burns Americ Leningrad calendarDespite the vagueness of the sloping park as a description of the descending stars we have strong support it is about an astronomic reference point because of the calendar cluster and the last line referring to Saturn fading.

There is also an anagram for Cancer (arc enc) in the first line which can imply both a setting star and a radiation induced medical condition. The second line of this verse has anagrams that can be read as entire sub Sphere refer  , refer Alphares, peripherals or helpers. The reference to Cancer together with the allusions of death and the theme of a fire in the ship given in the text is consistent with the cause of a Polar axis shift and may well indicate this event results in a nuclear accident aboard a ship.

This verse is paired with C4 Q48 in this series because of both verses referencing  great plague intheir text and linked anagrams that relate to the USA and a devastating asteroid scenario. 

C2 Q65

The sloping park great calamity
To be done through Hesperia and Insubria:
The fire in the ship, plague and captivity,
Mercury in the Arc, Saturn will fade.

Le parc enclin grande calamite
Par l'Heſperie et Insubre fera
Le feu en nef peſte et captiuite
Mercure en l'Arc Saturne fenera.

Adjacent Anagrams plus Anagrams of highest merit.
Selection Order based on letter rarity, word and sequence length.

L1. <a time parcel calendar cling><repLace a time calendar> <calendaring cancer> <leningrad cancer> <repLicate a manacled (almanaced) ring>  

L2: <PeripHeralS entire sub refer> <raPHaelS freer tribunes> <HelperS> <rapHaeL SpHere> <alPHeras (Al Faras, Menkib, Pegasus)>

L3: <eLite feuu it Set capet><enn ef step>

L4: <nucleAr-reacteurS enframe><natureS cleAner arM recur><AnceStral rune recur enfraMe><etruScan freeMan >

Through this means the above verse is telling us Nostradamus uses the Sephira to help him place the stars in one or other of the two sub spheres, above ground or below. This verse also introduces another thread since Its first line can be read as saying 'repLace' 'time calendar encirclng parceL'.

1: calendaring, peripherals, manacled, helpers,
2: tide-almanac, ancestral, lancaster, pectates,
3: declaimant, Alpheras / Alphares / Raphaels, pituite, enframe / freeman, cling,
4: Leningrad, tribunes / turbines, runestaf,
5: Etruscan, helps, eerie,
6: -
7: aclimate, calendar, scalar, learner,
8: carnaged, Raphel, burns,
9: replicate, candle / calend,
10: Bernuis,
11: Cancer, Pesher / sphere, units, sheep,
12: replace, fleet, linc,
13: cleaner,
14: Malac,
15: -,
16: ring,
17: -,
18: recur,
19: rename, Arcas,
20: -,
21: parcel,
22: -,
23: -.

calendaring, peripherals, manacled, helpers, enframe, tide-almanac, Raphaels, ancestral, pituite, parcel, enframe, Leningrad, tribunes, replicate, runestaf, Etruscan, fleet, candle, burns, amid, prior, calendar, Cancer, sphere, Bernuys, units, replace,  carnaged, Malac, recur, cling, parcel, Arcas, rename.


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