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Nostradamus C1 Q69: Mountain that dominates  Grail legend is centre of a new movement
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

Nostradamus Flood Quotes in 1555 PrefaceThe text of Centuries 1 Quatrain 69 ties it firmly to the quote in the 1555 Preface that provides the Cornerstone guidance about his major themes. The relevant sections of the Preface commentary are shown alongside. These quotes and the verses linked to them are prominent in the trail I compiled for reconstructing Nostradamus' work.

List of Nostradamus Flood verses tied to PrefaceThe connections between verses and quote together with modern topics uniting the anagrams in these verse enables the trail for floods to be followed through a set of verses in a way that removes the obscurities faced by earlier analysts. The main verses involved are listed in pairs in the table alongside. I list them in pairs because there is a natural fit of ideas using that style but they also form a cohesive whole with cross-threads between the text and anagrams of all verses in the group of ten.

This verse pairs with C2 Q95 because the text of both verses pair with the quotes reference to drowned lands with few inhabitants left.

Nostradamus verse on Floods drowning Antiquities & FoundationsThis verse's connections to the flood quotes in the Preface is very apparent via text which says flooding will spread far, drowning great countries even antiquities and their mighty foundations.

In other verses in a branch from this trail I will show that the flood waters predicted by Nostradamus are far higher than can be accounted for either on a historical basis or the worst expectations of scientists at this point in the 21st century.

The text also focuses on a great mountain and a clue to its importance within the anagrams may well lie in the sequence 'region stated'. There are also anagrams for graal, San Grael (Holy Grail) and Sang-Real (Royal Blood) all of which point towards Mount Bugarach in the Pyrenees where such legends have a long history. This is a region of ancestral interest to Nostradamus for it lies a short distance south of Alet- les -Bains, a town in which he lived when dwelling with his family relatives.

The text and the anagrams then most likely relate to the emergence of an active group in the Pyrenees who have great power and influence greatly affecting the future of humankind. This would be a particularly relevant tale during a period when the main population centres known to us and earlier millennia are covered by vast flooding.

Data Section


#Baianism  belief disputing the divine origin of sin and grace coming from God.
 term used in French Revolution alluding to mountain dwelling people.
#Claude Garamond
sixteenth century type face setter - contemporary of Nostradamus
female figure inGk tragedy who defies cultural norms when burying her brother.
The great mountain, seven stadia round,
after peace, war, famine, flooding.
It will spread far, drowning great countries,
even antiquities and their mighty foundations.
La grand montaigne ronde de ſept ſtades
Apres paix, guerre, faim, inondation
Roulera loin abiſmant grans contrades
Meſmes antiques et grand fondation.

L1: <graaLs deepeSt dateS><dominant Steps ended on graaL dateS><random antigen deaLs><region Stated Speed graaLs end><antigone garland endorSe dateS Step><Garamond ended antinegro StepS> Stated deedS atoning sang-reaL (Royal blood) / San-Grael (Holy Grail) damnation negation

L2:<guixe domination Appears fairer><guixe reAppoints a fairer domain><fear minion desperation urge><fairer admonition> <guixe firearm><i refer donation an aim>persia / aspire papers dominant Appraise sepAration

L3: <craton grants ouR man real oil baSin><albinoiSm grants ouR real trades><oil era ban migrantS><binomialS grant a rule> baronial tRaders

L4: <quiet names doMinates fond grant><grandest of amneSties dOminant><~and sequestrating (taking possesion while monies in dispute) Seem doMinant~><and grant of Monies means quitens><dominates Same of inquest granted><seem quaint> gesture

1: sequestrating, domination, admonition, Montagnard, albinoism/ binomials, damnation, separation, ammonites, Baianism, migrants, minion,
2: nominated,
3: donation (2x) nidation, baronial, quietest, endorsed, firearm, stated,
4: reappoints, dominates, dominate, iambs,
5: antinegro, dominant (3x), Garamond, atropine, Albion / albino, Guixe (x=s?),
6: appraise, allure,
7: Antigone / negation, Odinn,
8: amnesties, quietens, cratons, laagers, canons,
9: san-grael / sang-rael, moisten, inquest, appears, gesture, graals, salted, fairer,
10: garlands, propanes, egrets / greets,
11: atoning, antigen, deepest, ended, 
12: aroused,
13: -
14: monies / Simeon,
15: lags,
16: retards / traders, redone,
17: grandma, gets,
18: triad, 
19: gales,
20: inmates, Sepdet,
21: -
22: granite, random, monad, graels, giant, basin, Iona (2x)
23: ignore / Origen / region, apron.

desperation, sequestrating, albinoism / binomials, domination, Baianism, migrants,  damnation, separation, ammonites, nominated, baronial, quietest, donation, endorsed, firearm, stated, reappoints, antinegro, atropine, appraise, allure, Antigone, amnesties, laagers, cratons, canons, moisten, inquest, appears, graals, gesture, salted, fairer, garlands, propanes, atoning, deepest, antigen, aroused, monies traders, lags, triad, grandma, gets, inmates, graels, giant, basin.



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