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Nostradamus C1 Q52: Legal battles when genetic alteration of food causes mutation of alleles
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

Centuries 1 Quatrain 52 is tied to the series of verses with links to to the flood quotes in the 1555 Preface becausList of Nostradamus Flood verses tied to Prefacee of the content clustered in its anagrams. The quotes contain guidance for Nostradamus' major themes. These verses linked to them are the basis underpinning the trail I compiled for reconstructing Nostradamus' work.

The anagrams in this verse include one for End-Days which fits to the tone in the quotes. It also has powerful medical-environmental anagrams such as saprobes, endosporic, nucleotide,s pectates / pectins, alleles and allergens which is a cluster reflecting modern issues of a type found throughout this set of ten verses.

Nostradamus verse C1 Q52 Floods Scorpio Evil InfluencesGrenobleThe connections between verses and quotes together with modern topics uniting the anagrams in these verses enables the trail for floods to be followed through a set of verses in a way that removes the obscurities faced by earlier analysts.  The main verses involved in this flood group are listed in pairs in the table above. I list them in pairs because there is a natural fit of ideas using that style but they also form a cohesive whole with cross-threads between the text and anagrams of all verses in the group of ten. 

This verse pairs with C1 Q89 because of both possessing medical-environmental anagrams of a similar type. In C1 Q89  it is anagrams for pathogens, racemulose and phages that are the highly relevant and rare pointers. In addition the anagram for End-Days in the second line of this verse pairs with the Eschaton anagram found in C2Q93.

# endospore: a dormant, tough, and non-reproductive structure produced by certain bacteria.
alleles: alternative forms of the same gene or same genetic locus.
nucleotide: one of the compounds into which nucleic acid is split by action of nuclease; nucleotides are composed of a base (purine or pyrimidine), a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose), and a phosphate group.
pectin: a polymer of sugar acids of fruit that forms gels with sugar at the proper pH
pectates: the rigid outermost cell layer found in plants and certain algae, bacteria, and fungi but characteristically absent from animal cells.
saprobe: an organism, usually referring to a fungus, that feeds on dead or decaying organic matter.
DATA section

Two evil influences in conjunction in Scorpio.
The great lord is murdered in his room.
A newly appointed king persecutes the Church,
the lower (parts of) Europe and in the North.
Les deux malins de Scorpion conjoinct
Le grand ſeigneur meurtry dedans ſa ſalle
Peste a l'eglise par le nouueau Roy joinct
L'europe baſſe et Septentrionale.
L1: <conjoin ceLts uxed endoSporic><corpSe conjoint icin eLudes> <conjoin corpSe nucLeotides><ceLts conSiders maluxed join><eLdest icon conjoin><milan croSsed exudes><cLients amuxed>

L2: <~m-y truer ur Saddens aS all Seeing enLarged~><Large M rune as truer EndDays deSign><sadden aS aLleleS danger-sign try><~alaS m-y truer Seeing eLl danger Saddens ur (ancient city)~><rune readingS><alAs aS ur Seeding aLlergen>Sending

L3: <legislate repeal insPect joy uuon><persia join youR lone legal auue><Pectin joy elates pillagers><legalise steP repeal uuon> <persia allege><galilees join youR ouun paler Pectates><pillagers steal /tales nePotic joy>

L4: <pretention Set europe baSeS><europe baSeS Set penetration><oriental / relation ruLe>Saprobe (organism eats dead) See peSt intolerant><SteepesT baSe pour>preSentation
1: nucleotides, endosporic, intolerant, pillagers, saprobes, Scorpio, lasals, probe,
2: penetrations / presentation, pretentions, penetration, pretention, conjoint, legislate, conjoin, pectates, inspect, incepts, endings, End Days,
3: legalise / Galilees, seconds, steepest, eddy, End Day,
4: considers, crossed, island, allele, pectin,
5: copiers, Giselle,
6: dyer,
7: nepotic, Galilee, alleles, allege,
8: oriental / relation, allergen, Gilles,
9: design,
10: -
11: legate, bases, joy,
12: plenaries, dry,
13: bass,
14: clients,
15: legal,
16: client, join (2x),
17: saddens, amuxe, eagle,
18: Milans, sends,
19: eldest, celts,
20: -
21: coders / scored,
22: Orlean, Europe, Iona,
23: crops.

pillagers, intolerant, nucleotides, endosporic, saprobes, penetrations, pretentions, conjoint, pectates, legislate, inspect, endings, legalise, considers, steepest, eddy, crossed, island, pectin, alleles, copiers, allege, oriental, allergen, Galilee, design, nepotic, bases, Milans, clients, legal, joy, sends, eldest, celts, dry, crops, Iona, join, Europe, eagle, saddens, Orlean.  



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