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Nostradamus on disastrous 21stC Wars resulting from climate change

© Allan Webber October 2017, July 2020.

Frequency of this Sephirots (spheres 1-5) most prominent  & topic relevant anagrams  found in Nostradamus' Prophecies:

C5 Q37 1: Malthusian, co-directors, intercrosses, retrocessions, revolution, gnomists, discover, Athenian, coact, 2: creditors / directors, sections, mongst, doctrines, 3: records, un-retaliated, quittance, 4: simulant, Maoists, posture, 5: attain, finance rottenness, 6: lecturer, accord, 7: seaports, doubt, Ishtar, cronies,

C5 Q98 1: authentic, cuticulae, financed, 2: decreasing, Norsemen, 3: increased, hereseic, defiance, 4: fancied, seed-line stressed, claim, 5: Tehran, reassigned, climate, miracle 6: cancers, decline,

C1 Q55 1: polemicist, metapolitics, obtainably, fragmentise, semiotical, quinaries, epistolic, steepness, 2: effusing, sections, fusions, elicits, cosset, 3: opposite (3), facets (2), arousing, baby, 4: androgenesis, adorning, poetics, ably, confutes, regimens (4), ambit, claim, 5: airlines, confuse, climate ,agendas, 6: malice, nobly, 6:Emirate, sects, elicit, Serafim,

C5 Q27 1: Magdalene, themes, envisioned, atmosphere, 2: metaphors,  enumerates, potash, 3: ornaments, galleons, totems, pandered, 4: Norseman, temblor, trodden, path, 5: legator, agendas, 6: atoms, manager, refute, 8 Abdera, feature, aligned,

C4 Q13 1: Pentecostalism, tradespeople, compensates, patrollers, prefatorial, belatedness, 2: splurged, emplaces, non-departures, depletes,  Obuda, 3: operates, laboured, 4: ganglander, forepart, 5: ungrasped, climate, badness, 6: Califate, bands, ornateness, 7: alpha, help. Bandar, learner,

C10 Q06 1: nuclear-radiationes, denuclearisation, radionuclear, Malthusians, apparitions, travesties, dynatron, borders, 2: nuclear-ion, tornados, 3: debtors, fry, 4: quatreins, attains, 6:adornments, querist, conquer,

C3 Q05 1: Hermetical, Alchemister, unfoliaged, luminaries, ultrarealism, 2: remediates, unretained, leprosies, 3: Aequorins, broadens, thermae, 4: Un-Qasir, 5: bends, 6: pastures, 7: Mid-East resource, 7; Emirate, 8: relosing,

C4 Q06 1: UUolverines, reclaimant, animation, habitudes, Dabih, headuuater, 2: breadthwuuise, indications, Antiochan, Califates, actinoid, metrical, hiation, 3: reticulate, touuns, match, 4: rumorer, claim, armourer, uuatered, 5: obtains, climate, universe, matrice, 6: UQraine, Califate, malice,

C4 Q62 1: Michael, esteemed, saboteurs, noncombinative, Chloroamine, Chloramine, 2: ambient, Manichae, contention, continue, 4: financier, ambit, 5: prisoner, treasures, uuaterers, machine, finance,

C7 Q13 1: searchers, equatorz, attribute, disorder, 2: metrician, terminate, Croatian, aruspices, satrapal, intends, 3: Easterz, star-zone, bitter, parasite, 5: climate, matrice, astral, airtube, dried, 6: ancestors, piqued, Pilate, erratic, tribute, orders, 7: scenarios, 8: atlas, 9: searches,

The Sephirot in this chapter focuses on matters related to climate change. The principal keys are anagrams for climate and atmosphere but in choosing this base a collection is brought together that is rich in intertwined links. In the frequency table alongside, a glance along those in each verse shows patterns that are worthy of special comment.

One of the most striking features is that frequency levels seem to provide layers of meaning that make sense to a modern technological mind. They offer historical and geographical references that aptly fit many complex words around them.

For example in C5 Q37 'frequency of 1' brings together Malthusian co-directors discover revolution Athenian co-act.  This is followed up at higher levels with terms relating to the records of doctrines on quittance [of debt] and to foreign actors that corrupt the finance system proposed by the fore-mentioned directors.

The Malthusian term relates to followers of the late 18th century Robert Thomas Malthus, a lecturer in economics and demographics who dwelt in considerable detail on the relationships between debtors and creditors. His relevance can be glimpsed through the entry on Malthus in Wikipedia:

Malthus became widely known for his theories about change in population. His An Essay on the Principle of Population [1798CE] observed that sooner or later population will be checked by famine and disease, leading to what is known as a Malthusian catastrophe. He wrote in opposition to the popular view in 18th-century Europe that saw society as improving and in principle as perfectible. He thought that the dangers of population growth precluded progress towards a utopian society: "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man". Wikipedia extract

However Malthus' prime concern with the impact of population growth stemmed from his seeing the growth of the poor as draining the resources of the rich and yet the impoverished gain no personal benefit from that cycle. He saw the end result being chaos and revolution. Although Malthus' arguments have often been met by industrial and scientific advances, modern views increasingly acknowledge that in the long term his views reflect our own dilemma. It is the root of climate change driven by humans; it is the catalyst for revolution.

And that is the picture arising out of the ten verses in this Sephirot. The mechanisms I have used to examine Nostradamus' Prophecies lead to these conclusions whichever of many entry points is chosen and no matter which of the entwined story threads is then followed. My mechanisms are not fluid instruments to be changed at will or able to be biased by careful selection; the results are there and any and every person can judge the uniqueness of their existence.

The above is enough to indicate that these terms do belong to a single topic and this same effect of layering is apparent throughout this set of ten to a high degree. Yet it is improbable that it was intended by Nostradamus. The success in this case is highly indicative that there is a message based on the terms but it would be wrong to draw conclusions as to its meaning from the closeness of a term in this list. What is seen is like the collage of a jig-saw puzzle where we can see they are parts from the same box and can be gathered in groups where similar features can be recognised but the puzzle isn't completed by these judgments.

Sephirot for 21stC Malthusian factors spheres 1 2 3Yet the words from which the original frame was built came from Nostradamus' sixteenth century text while the words of the anagrams are not bounded by that period and are mainly in modern English. Using these disparate sources should see any interlinks and relevance diminish but that is not the case. In actuality the story of the French text takes on meaning that until this process is applied remains smoke upon an obscure hint of Nostradamus' vision.

The theme that emerges is about modernity as an ongoing disruptor of institutions built around older value systems.

This is the division between progressives and traditionalists, it is the struggle between aspiration and conservation and it is the restructuring of the way power is distributed throughout the world. It disturbs the entrenched, offering opportunity to  be grasped by those with the strongest collective will. Disruption in society is often unpleasant, raising individual stress and resistance to those bringing about the change. Each of these agencies is seen in this Sephirot where generic groupings such as ‘institution’ are replaced by names and topics known to our era.


C5 Q37
Three hundred will be in accord with one will
Trois cents ſeront d'vn vouloir et accord
coact directors  doctrines rottenness creditors revolution

To come to the execution of their blow,
Que pour venir au bout de leur attaincte
quittance power 

Twenty months after all memory
Vingts mois apres tous et records
gnomists postures discover seaports secret_routes 

Their king betrayed simulating feigned hate.

Leur Roy trahi ſimulant haine faincte
Malthusian  finance_lecturer
The layer effect based on frequency as described above has to be secondary to the collective meaning within the line of verse. Of course layering effects will appear when there is a limit of four lines to a verse and although neither the verse nor the lines control the placement of the terms the presence of a definitively chosen message becomes clear.  For such messages to have greater shape it requires the unity that only Nostradamus and his guiding influence could provide. It is the text that brings the layers and the lines into focus.

Using this means it becomes possible to tie the verse's text alongside to the politics of population growth and hence to the themes of climate and finite earth resources. It is these themes that then unify the structure via the shared concepts held within the whole cluster.

And at the same time it is possible to note the unities and shared keys that cross between the text and anagrams, the other verses in the cluster plus the relationship to the theme lines laid down by Nostradamus. The detail provided by this and other analyses can then be compared to give an even clearer focus to the whole.

Using these guides as quick reference points allows each topic's detail to be judged for worthiness and in this Sephirot the ten verses prove to be very robust in structure.
  C5 Q98
At the forty-eighth climacteric degree,
A quarante huict degre climaterique
quake wake Tehran unearth cited miracle claim
requite authentic climate greed

At the end of Cancer very great dryness
A fin de Cancer ſi grande ſeichereſſe
financed defiance increased dangers

Fish in sea, river, lake boiled hectic,
Poiſſon en mer fleuue lac cuit hectique
Norsemen poisons fuel value equip quiet ethic

Bearn, Bigorre distress through fire from the sky
Bearn Bigorre par feu ciel en deſtreſſe
re-probing Big Bear fear cue seed-line decline

The text of verse C5 Q98 identifies it as one that details climate change effects. Its anagrams give the background context to the emerging story line. It hints at the contrasting paths of East and West and the challenges our planet faces due to our modern presence upon it.

Of the many patterns that flow through this group those for country are quite compelling. There can be no doubt that the opponents are linked to the Islamic Middle East and the central powers of Europe with the basis of dissent being the distribution of wealth.

But both text and anagrams in the verse alongside paint a picture into which we can feel our souls and livelihoods being drawn. The climate is changing, rivers are beginning to boil dry. Tehran challenges restrictions on its finances and declaims the greed of the West

But Nostradamus hints at troubles not totally due to human actions. For example in the Middle-East visible disturbances such as increased severe earthquakes will be perceived. And he indicates the ties this has with ancient tales of major religious upheaval. In such circumstances the unwavering opponents turn each event to fit their own story line despite any contradictions that redrafting creates.

In the West it has been and will be seen as the spur to act; to finance projects; to face the dangers head on without having to yield on the growth drivers underpinning Western economies.

In the East revenge and jihad become the focus and the questions of faith and blasphemy determine its laws.

These efforts have the same eternal unyielding components; both perpetuate and accentuate the perils that environmental change and modern warfare pose to our planet.

C1 Q55
In a land with a climate opposite to Babylon
Soubs l'opposite climat Babylonique
polemicist use poetics semiotical subloop
obtainably elicits climate meta-politics

there will be great shedding of blood.
Grande ſera de ſang effusion
Sea effusing androgenesis organ arousing dangers

Heaven seems unjust on land sea & sky
Que terre et mer air ciel ſera inique 
Emirate airlines realise quinaries carry Quueiq relics 

Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion.
Sectes, faim, regnes, peſtes, confuſion.
Sufi sect fragmentise genes confuse fates steps

Throughout this cluster are extraordinarily powerful identifiers whose meaning is difficult to dismiss as chance. They are rare and yet repeated in this cluster where the basis for the inclusion of the verse relied on the climate and atmosphere. Emirates, airlines, Tehran, Bandar, Quueiq and Sufi sect are such terms.

Verse C1 Q55 alongside contains the names mentioned above and its text brings out all these elements of contrast and denial of responsibility that is directed to and from the Middle East.

Its anagrams introduce day to day events that help in dating of this Sephirot's verses as stories of our current world.

Politics become immersed in issues meant to prevent facing the problems facing the planet and its nations.

Biological technology suffers the degradation inherent in the profit mode.

Modern transport reflects the adaptation of values that have been forced on ancient institutions in order to have relevance and national survival.

And then there are those who in rejecting the overt modernity of the world  take from it parts that they see as capable of giving them back control of their people and tribes.


C5 Q27
Through fire and arms not far from the Black Sea,
ar feu et armes non loing de la marnegro
arousement leading pro-German feature
enumerates oil fear  alarmed Norseman 

Will come from Persia to occupy Trebizond:
Viendra de Perſe occuper Trebiſonde
dread peer coerces pure Tribes envisioned

'Phatos', 'Methelin' to tremble, the Sun 'alegro',
Trembler Phatos Methelin Sol alegro
atoms in the atmosphere lines
Al Gore temblor [quake] metaphors also large themes

A wave of Arab blood covers the 'Adriatic'.
De ſang Arabe d'Adrie couuert onde
Arab co-wrote deuteron agendas ended dread raid

C5 Q27 shown alongside has text full of imagery that defines a theatre for war events. It is apparent by the places named that it emerges out of the Middle East as referred to in the above allusions to the disenchantment of that region with actions of Western financiers. Climate events are part of the portfolio of discontent and this aspect comes through strongly in the text and anagrams.

The inevitable happening of war is heralded by the text of C5 Q27 while the anagrams present the pictures of its modern cause. In respect to this the third line is a crucial contributor. The text is filled with ominous threats, with detail as to their nature revealed within its anagrams. These can be put together in many ways but the centerpiece is the adjacent set of anagrams saying large temblor lines atmosphere  (alegr oTrembl erPhatosMeth elinS). A temblor is a modern term for a quake. This set gives detail to many of the allusions in the first and third lines of text.

From other anagrams in other lines we can deduce north-western Europe Germanic countries react to growing fears of oil shortage, Arab tribes unite through coercion after a powerful speaker predicts their future doom if they fail to act.
Atomic fallout and earthshaking tremors from explosions in the sky are now the reality for many.

And the Arabic nations are motivated and united by a war plan that brings about the end of many Western nuclear research  facilities. This includes projects involving heavy hydrogen which is a substance nowadays called deuterium. A deuteron contains a neutron in its makeup whereas the most abundant form of hydrogen doesn't.

C4 Q13
News of the greater loss reported,
De plus grand perte nouuelles raportees
tradespeople non-departure depletes pulse granule one well operates deepest

The report will astonish the army:
Le raport fait le camp s'eſtonnera
califate compensates prefatorial Pentecostalism
learn maps forepart emplaces climate

Troops united
against the revolted:
Bandes vnies encontre reuoltees
bands envies revolt once re-encounter  belatedness

The double phalanx will abandon the great one.
Double phalange grand abandonnera.  
near Bandar laboured help abandon alpha ganglander

C4 Q13 alongside illustrates how it isn't just the leaders compelling the populace to die in battle, it is the will of many of the impoverished laborers and suppliers. Outside the miserly existence offered by their army they are exposed to the increasing numbers of gangs who take their food, demand their unpaid labor only to be abandoned when no longer useful.

But the alternatives available to these first three survival options are revolution against all forms of deprivation, dependence on charitable societies or to join the predators, bandits and gangs. Hope is not eternal but a flicker within the inferno of the new world order of the late 21stC.

There is also a distinctive set of terms in the anagrams of this verse with at least one being quite unexpected. Pentacostalism seems to be singled out and compensated by the Middle Eastern leaders of war for prefatorial actions limiting Western caused climate change.

With these outlines in place the picture of this future world event can be traced in the rest of the Sephirot where extra details of all the above stated things are given.

The stories and verses presented in the chart and the foregoing presentation can often be seen in greater detail in my papers posted on my website

Access to the full series and each of their verse analyses is available at Sephirot Index.

Access to the individual verses and the original paper where these analyses first appeared can be gained via the links below

C5 Q37 C5 Q98 C1 Q55 C5 Q27 C4 Q13 C10 Q06 C3 Q05 C4 Q06 C4 Q62 C7 Q13

Nostradamus Sefirot for Climate Financial Crisis Malthus  


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